Problem bull

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Well-known member
Feb 23, 2020
Reaction score
Camden, TN
Young 2yo bull going to the butcher tomorrow morning.

Cant get him close to the pen, let alone the chute.

Whats your secrets!
I dropped a 2yo bull off at OKC Stockyards Sunday afternoon. He was just a little too friendly to the point that he was a dangerous nuisance.
Well, fed only in the pen yesterday, he didn't come close. Everyone ate but him last night. We fed treats, again no luck. Tried again this morning. 2 hours without him around. Saw him a few times but no burger. May be a home kill...
Well, fed only in the pen yesterday, he didn't come close. Everyone ate but him last night. We fed treats, again no luck. Tried again this morning. 2 hours without him around. Saw him a few times but no burger. May be a home kill...
How big is the enclosure the pen is in? Like a lot, or a pasture, etc? Are there trees, buildings or other obstacles in it?
It's a 5 a.c +/-. pasture, has a few trees. Fed them bales here for the last month. In the corner is the 20×30 pen with a 3x8 chute that my trailer is backed upto. Fed them in the corral for 2 days, no real issues. Just the bull I wanted that day was in the back by the creek. Guess he wasn't hungry that morning? Tried to push him towards the corral and he kept going the other way, no matter which way I pushed. He had a 6th sense..... He is a lot faster than me and more agile than a 4wheeler. Not really worth my death. Have put him down and grind him.
It's a 5 a.c +/-. pasture, has a few trees. Fed them bales here for the last month. In the corner is the 20×30 pen with a 3x8 chute that my trailer is backed upto. Fed them in the corral for 2 days, no real issues. Just the bull I wanted that day was in the back by the creek. Guess he wasn't hungry that morning? Tried to push him towards the corral and he kept going the other way, no matter which way I pushed. He had a 6th sense..... He is a lot faster than me and more agile than a 4wheeler. Not really worth my death. Have put him down and grind him.
OK. I just looked up where Camden was in Tennessee. I was going to ask if you'd want us to come catch him and load him, but that would be cost prohibitive to get us to come that far. I could reccomend someone closer in west Tenn,. but you have already shot him and carried him to the processor, right?
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