Pregnant heifer? Need some help

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We had to pull it. Easy pull tho. Heifer is doing fine cleaning the calf up. I'm still waiting on him to get up tho. My blood pressure just dropped about 30 pts lol
I've got them penned up in a barn for tonight to make sure she claims him well. I will keep her in the half acre lot for a day or two. Why would you feed her grain for a while? and how longs a while?
To give her extra energy.
She's still growing too.
Like the dairy boys, they give their milking ones plenty of feed.
I would make sure you have a good ration for her, shes gotta grow a bit yet and she has another mouth to make bloom for you too.
I would give her a decent amount for a good portion of her lactation.
That should be a fine feed, I would feed at least 5 pounds a day if you were going to do it for a while, if not I would give a little more if you can only do it for a day or two. On one like this it would probably be good to be able to feed her for a month or so, but that's not always a option and not always necessary.
And on why, it would help milk production, energy, and I haven't seen her, but young ones that have calves at her age, most of the time could just use some help bouncing back.
Looks very nice calf, but looks big calf when he's standing next to the heifer! He might be Angus-sired, tho it's not Charolais that's for sure. At last you would know that the heifer has red genetics and she's a hetro black.
Congrats on the calf, but dang, that a small heifer for such a big calf. Keep her on feed, might get even think about a bovatec mineral block, helkps it weight gain
I'd get her on 5 lbs of that grain/day and get her on grass. There's not enough grass for that heifer in that lot. You could feed her good quality hay but she'd do better on grass.

If you feed her all she can eat of grass & 5 lbs grain, then she'll likely breed back in 4 weeks and calve close to the others next year. If you've got plenty of grass you can probably drop the grain in a month, watch her condition. Right now she's pretty thin, but she has a reason to be.

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