NI vs. NH discbines ?

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Stocker Steve

Well-known member
May 2, 2005
Reaction score
Central Minnesota
The standard disc bine here is the 9' wide New Idea 5209. Quite a few around, gray and red.

We are starting to see more of the New Holland 7220. Is there any advantage to them vs. a 5209?
I can't say much about the NI but I can say our NH 7220 has given me nothing to complain about. My grandfather has put it through hell, it's hit it's fair share of fences, rocks and other things it's not fond of. I went over it this winter and had it all ready to go with new knives and all. Went the first 50 feet this year cutting one pasture we kept out of the rotation and hit an old gate that got left laying along the fence that I forgot about and couldn't see in the tall grass. Sucked an entire 16' tube gate right on through. Barely more than a couple nicks on a few knives. No complaints here.
Cucumber35":i97d726g said:
I can say our NH 7220 has given me nothing to complain about.
My grandfather has put it through be nice, it's hit it's fair share of fences, rocks and other things it's not fond of.
I... Sucked an entire 16' tube gate right on through.
Sure blame Grand Pa.
Seems you had the don't try this at home episode. :)
The NH has a modular cutterbar design, I believe the NI's still have the one piece bar.
Cucumber35":9w8rgq3r said:
I can't say much about the NI but I can say our NH 7220 has given me nothing to complain about. My grandfather has put it through be nice, it's hit it's fair share of fences, rocks and other things it's not fond of. I went over it this winter and had it all ready to go with new knives and all. Went the first 50 feet this year cutting one pasture we kept out of the rotation and hit an old gate that got left laying along the fence that I forgot about and couldn't see in the tall grass. Sucked an entire 16' tube gate right on through. Barely more than a couple nicks on a few knives. No complaints here.

NI is pretty delicate. Splined drive shafts twist if you hit things like that.
Son of Butch":2ewt76hd said:
Cucumber35":2ewt76hd said:
I can say our NH 7220 has given me nothing to complain about.
My grandfather has put it through be nice, it's hit it's fair share of fences, rocks and other things it's not fond of.
I... Sucked an entire 16' tube gate right on through.
Sure blame Grand Pa.
Seems you had the don't try this at home episode. :)
I know... I complain about him tearing stuff up then that happens! To be fair I usually end up doing the repairs. I was amazed it didn't do any damage that time though.

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