MYT Newsletter Attempt

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Well-known member
Oct 13, 2008
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Eastern Plains of Colorado
Hi All! I am indeed amongst the living. To cut to the chase, I am trying to get a little email newsletter out that is mainly geared towards young folks. People in their later high school and early college years would be the main target, er, focus. :D But, I certainly think having some more experienced people on board with this would be excellent for feedback as well. The point you ask? To get in contact with young people who are forward thinking and who are going to be tomorrow's business owners, politicians, and wave makers. I would like to discuss ag, but certainly want to include general business and politics as well so as to broaden out the discussion and ideas. This newsletter would primarily be a way for me to sharpen up my writing and networking skills and hopefully help other young people do the same. If you or someone you know wants or ought to join, just shoot over name and email to [email protected]. My first issue is due out next Monday with bi-weekly issues from there on.
you ought to start make a Facebook page or blog to reach the young folks.
They can be useful networking tools.
I totally agree. I have a blog on my website I am trying to use a bit more, but I have yet to figure out what to do with Facebook. I may try making a page and see how that goes.