Metal Bangs Tag...

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May 23, 2008
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Does anyone else have cattle with METAL bangs tags???

Now that one is in the right ear. :nod: I don't have any cows with silver tags at the moment... in fact, my nurse cows have completely lost their bangs tags.

Oftentimes replacement tags are silver... and of course, the color often wears off the orange ones and then they look silver. (FWIW, they're all metal, some are just colored orange.)
K2011":r11pemn6 said:
Does anyone else have cattle with METAL bangs tags???

With the exception of non-weaned heifers, all of the girls did. The heifer calves acquired one at roughly 9-10 months old.
My yearling has one. I think it makes her look kinda purdy. ;-)
If the ear isn;t also tattoed it's not a bangs tag. For bloodwork for interstate shipping a lot of time they put a tag in their ear.
the tagg showing they been bangs vacc is orange.the silver tagg means theyve been tested an not bangs vacced or lost their bangs vacc tagg.
Yes. My animals (that have them) have them in the right ear, with a tattoo. When the tags were initially applied they were orange in color, but the coloring has worn off of most of them leaving them silver in color.

Yes, all of our heifers are taken to the vet at 6-8 months old, where they receive an OCV, get a metal tag and tatoo in their ear. The tags are orange, but over time the paint wears off and they are silver.
We had the vet from the LSU Vet School come out on Friday to vaccinate 9 head, of which 6 were heifers.
The heifers got both a tattoo and an orange ear tag. In the past, he hasn't always put in the ear tag. He said there has been lots of controversy as to whether the ear tag is required. He said the latest "ruling" is that the ear tag was required.
Ironically though, on Sunday we visited a farm in Mississippi and bought three heifers . I specifically asked about the Bangs vaccination because I didn't see the ear tag. The seller said that they all had been given the Bangs vaccination and tattoo'd; however, the ear tag was optional and they chose to not have them put in.
So exactly what is required? It sure sounds like there is lots of confusion on this topic!
First of all, our herd of mature cows have a silver or an orange tag. The orange tags were put in when they were heifers and the silver were put when we got our herd free status for Bangs and TB. Our heifers are tattooed and only receive the tag if they will not be shown. The vet gives us the option on the heifers. After a little research, I found that it varies by area if the tags are required or not. I did find that a tag is required on any dairy-type animal in Texas when it is transported (that's a silver tag for male, female, young or old). The tags are free for producers and they can attach the tag themselves.