Meniscus Tear

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I know what you mean by the cost of hospital. I have helped at enough benefits to know what it is going to cost. Can hardly wait to see what is wrong with my knee.
Waiting to hear what the doctor found on the test. Stupid kindle keeps spell checking me. What I saw on the picture did not look good. Tech could not tell me anything.
FINALLY! Heard from the doctor. They got my MRI report and there is no sign of a tear in my meniscus, no tear or damage to either the tendons or muscles or ligaments. Said there is definately arthritis in my knee. The doctor said for the pop I felt it could have been a ligament or a tendon that got out of alinement and when it went back to the correct position that was the pop I felt. Doctor wants me to do physical therapty to see if that will help with the pain I get after standing or walking for a long time.

This is good news! No surgery!vc
Make sure and do your physical therapy. I skipped it once, and am still paying the price.
The therapist was stunned at how far down my leg the pain went. From my knee to my ankle. She thinks it was my ACL that got out of alinement and was the pop I felt.
Just did heat, massage and ultrasound treatment today. Going back next Monday and Wednesday
Here is an update.
Today was the first day since December 17th I went all day without a brace on my knee!
Did pt today and it does not hurt as bad as it has in the past and the therapist said it is right at where my hamstring is attached to my knee. Still doing stretches, heat and some Motrin.
Found myself walking funny. I had changed my walking to cut down on the pain but that just made things worse, so now I have to tell myself toe up heel down when taking a step with my right leg.
Therapist also has me on a stationary bike. I pedal backwards and that helps a lot too.

I get a few looks at work when I am doing my stretches but my co-workers know what is going on and I get a few wise cracks sent my way, but we all laugh it off.
bse":w5k4h8ob said:
I had mine scoped about 3 years ago kinda the same thing had a MRI in Sept Doc said I had a tear but left it up to me I didn't want it done at all thought I was tough, He told me you will know when its time and at the end of Jan it was time had it done around the 10th of Feb and back at work Mar 1st the moral here is I should have had it done in Sept and not been in misery for 4 extra months.
I hope all goes well for you and it is nothing.
Yup, me too. Had it scoped, followed post op instructions and 8 weeks later was doing great and pretty much pain free. Don't put off the inevitable.

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