Lightening strikes

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Jun 5, 2006
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I remember once when I was little the milk barn being struck by lightening. It killed all the cows on each side of the barn. I also remember it hitting our fence once a few years ago. Has anyone here ever had that problem? I was just wondering. I thought about that because we had a storm last night and a tree fell on our fence.
I am sure my grandma did too since she was running a dairy farm. My dad lost two when it hit the fence. We sent them to the butcher, he lives about a mile up the road. I think he still charges 0.25 per lb to cut one up.
we lost 12 or 13 in one lick one time. they were in the corner of a field. lose one or two about every other year or so. steel posts are like lightning rods but at least they dont shatter when they get struck. we lose alot of the pine trees to lightning and obviously some cypress trees that blow up when they get hit. ours arent insured, i dont think it would be economical to insure that many against something that doesnt happen that often. never tried to eat one, didnt think the meat would be very good.
Lightning hit the silo when I was a kid and sent stray voltage thru the stalls in the tiestalls barn. It was low grade enough that we didn't figure out the problem right away. The cows wouldn't eat in the barn, production went down, somatic cell counts went up.
Ours are covered under a blanket insurance policy for the whole farm. It costs next to nothing... We have had one "incident" that was insurable and it basically paid for the livestock part of the coverage for 3 or 4 years. This collection was a cow that got stuck in an electric fence and electricuted itself... Was surprised it was covered... pooor girl.

The individul insurance that Harding and HArding does on the other hand would be cost prohibative for me.
danny254":r9pwewbm said:
I remember once when I was little the milk barn being struck by lightening. It killed all the cows on each side of the barn. I also remember it hitting our fence once a few years ago. Has anyone here ever had that problem? I was just wondering. I thought about that because we had a storm last night and a tree fell on our fence.

No, Danny, we've never had that problem but we don't have a milking operation and our cows are rarely in a barn. We have lost an occasional cow or bull to lightning strikes, though, but they have always been in a pasture environment.
one thing i can say about lightening.its been blamed for killing more cattle than i can count..... what happened to your cow o she was struck by lightening ;-) forget about the herd health program it was lightning that kilt her :cboy:

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