Is this 'a thing' in Oz?

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Well, he's also a published author of short stories and a retired cattleman, (and veterinarian) so that probably explains a lot.
Lots of news stories on this man, and he sure sounds like an interesting person.

The former veterinary surgeon is also a poet and an author who has spent his life on the land, refusing to retire from his 5,300-hectare cattle property in the Maranoa region until his mid-90s.
I've never seen or heard of it GB, would be painfull opening the skulls and scooping them out. I've eaten sheep brains, yum yum and chicken livers. You had me thinking for a bit there, one of my grandmothers was of German descent and she used to dish up a lot of delacacies like that but no chicken brains that I can remember. In those days you did not have the mass slaughter of chooks like today, just went out to the chook house and knocked off a rooster at Xmas so not the availability of brains.

Not from Australia, but here in the hills of Ky especially the older generations didn't let anything go to waste. Never heard of anybody eating chicken brains, but have heard of folks eating squirrel brains. Between both of my grandmothers there wasn't anything much left after a hog killin. One fixed brains, souse meat, and one did up chitlins. She said when she was young they took the chitlins and tied them to a rock in a creek to clean them.
May they need to leave the chickens alone, eat the eggs, and let them get after the mice.....
I know a who raises organic chicken that he sells to restaurants, farmers markets, etc. About 20,000 birds a year. He sells the feet to Asian people. He grinds the heads up and sells to people for dog food. I know he caught the blood and had some sort of market for it. Feathers and intestines were about the only thing he doesn't sell.
I know a who raises organic chicken that he sells to restaurants, farmers markets, etc. About 20,000 birds a year. He sells the feet to Asian people. He grinds the heads up and sells to people for dog food. I know he caught the blood and had some sort of market for it. Feathers and intestines were about the only thing he doesn't sell.
I doubt if they do these days but some folks in Ky and WV used to eat the feet too
I see chicken feet for sale around here at different times of the year, in major grocery chains. I think the target buyers are Hispanic, but I've never actually inquired about it. I think they get cooked about like hot wings...

We don't have enough Asians here in my area to be a major demographic for chicken feet but I do know they eat them in Southeast Asia.

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Here chicken feet are sold as chicken clubs. I have had them in chicken and dumplings. Not bad.
I was in Belize C.A. And had chicken that was butchered with a machette sp..? Could not tell one piece from another. Tough yard birds.
I know a who raises organic chicken that he sells to restaurants, farmers markets, etc. About 20,000 birds a year. He sells the feet to Asian people. He grinds the heads up and sells to people for dog food. I know he caught the blood and had some sort of market for it. Feathers and intestines were about the only thing he doesn't sell.
Dave I have bought slabs of chicken dog food which had the feathers boiled up as well. I think they produce a gelatin like substance that helps it set. I think the intestines went in too. Dogs used to love it.

I know a who raises organic chicken that he sells to restaurants, farmers markets, etc. About 20,000 birds a year. He sells the feet to Asian people. He grinds the heads up and sells to people for dog food. I know he caught the blood and had some sort of market for it. Feathers and intestines were about the only thing he doesn't sell.
My fathers italian grandmother used to cook him chicken feet when he was a kid, he said they were fantastic. I've seen them cooked, the outer skin peels off and they are clean. My sister in law recently tried them at a restaurant and said they were great. I know my dad said when they killed an animal there wasn't much thown out at all.