I don't think many in here will admit to investing and holding gold and silver....dangerous to talk about...too many ears, too many thieves. Money (cash) is becoming a hot potato that can devalue overnight, like in Mexico 66% value gone overnight...costing 3x more to buy anything. It's my personal belief (more extreme and realistic than most people) ...Since 2020 you CANNOT safely sell Land or R.E. in cash anymore...it's too risky. Land should only be exchanged for other land property (equal value) or sold for gold-silver to be on the safe side. Holding lots of cash in accounts is too risky....you'll wish you never sold your land.
Yes, buy gold and silver for protection (10% to 50% of your portfolio)....gold is easy and dense to store anywhere safe....don't put it in a safe-deposit box (can be confiscated under emergency). Yes, they both are very liquid...you can selling them quickly and readily to all Precious metal buyers or on-line marketplace individuals. Silver is heavy and takes up large areas. Silver has better potential of taking off price wise than gold...as the Gold to Silver Ratio G:S is 1:80 (controlled-dictated by man) and God's law (ratio) inside the earth's crust and mining are about 1:16 G:S....that ratio WILL BE FALLING in the coming years. Silver will spike. Yes, take possession of your silver. For storage of silver...i would put in in large diameter PVC tubes with sealed end caps and bury it (silver doesn't rust or corrode)...have markers and documentation held in security for others. Investing in precious metals is long-term..... for economic emergencies. Holding precious metals is like planting a tree...it's really for others to enjoy. They'll be happy you took the time to invest wisely. Man, men like Putin....they undermine world economies. Can you trust your dollars will be worth reasonable the same in the future? I can't.