Well-known member
I'm so proud of Baby Girl. She was young when bred, I'm new to the whole thing, and she pulled it off like a pro! She didn't even make a noise. What a surprise as I was watching closely. Vet said she was not a true prolaps, but could have difficulties. Well, she did it all like a pro, quiet and fast when it really happened. What a mom she is too! Noon, nothing changed, no water bag, etc. same ole same ole. Somewhere in an hour or so, seemed fine. Cold front coming through so after reading about some of that was watching more closely. Nothing seeming to go on. Saw she was staying in one area that she goes to in rain if not small barn. No biggy, ok so 2 pm look out and see her standing and what, a wobbly thing behind her. Oh my!!! It could hardly stand. Well, the time has all passed, she expelled afterbirth, and ate it. She had been licking the calf. I must have looked out just after she gave birth? No noise from her at all. Doors open on house, all quiet in house. What a girl!!
Now if I can figure out how to put a picture in here I will. Instructions would be helpful as I'm still excited and can't concentrate to look for how to do it!
Now if I can figure out how to put a picture in here I will. Instructions would be helpful as I'm still excited and can't concentrate to look for how to do it!