I gotta stupid problem

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Aug 15, 2006
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Or mabe a stupid neighbor...
There is this guy who comes up here(about 3 blocks) to walk his dog in the yard. There is a empty lot across the street. He could take the cross street and go through the park. No,he comes here and walks the dog in the yard..and no,he doesn't pick up after it.. I took photos of him yesterday and will take them to the cops soon as they're developed.
What I want is your take on why he does this..I have my own ideas....
Keep in mind that we are all old poor women of different races.
If you wish to see how houseing is set up,go to 1201 Wilson st,Bastrop Tx on google map.
heres how we handle that situation here,,, i walk up to the individual and say,, get that dam dog off my property works slick as a whitsle ;-)
Get somebody able-bodied to go and scrape it all up, put in a box or bag (yes I know... GROSS)
and take it back and dump it on HIS property.

he'll get the message!

and hopefully you have a good animal warden that can deal with it, cite him, or make him clean it up.
I can't be outside all day--and I yelled at him once that I didn't bring my dog down to mess in his yard..He has came back since then.. :?
I have talked to Animal Control,they said the photos are a good idea..
But WHY does he do this?
peg4x4":2y7w0pbb said:
I can't be outside all day--and I yelled at him once that I didn't bring my dog down to mess in his yard..He has came back since then.. :?
I have talked to Animal Control,they said the photos are a good idea..
But WHY does he do this?

Lazy, an idiot, inconsiderate slob, a-hole, etc., etc.
Running Arrow Bill":1s2ozrzp said:
peg4x4":1s2ozrzp said:
I can't be outside all day--and I yelled at him once that I didn't bring my dog down to mess in his yard..He has came back since then.. :?
I have talked to Animal Control,they said the photos are a good idea..
But WHY does he do this?

Lazy, an idiot, inconsiderate slob, a-hole, etc., etc.
I vote for the fourth one
I have come to the conclusion that some people are really that dumb, don't care, mean, inconsiderate and the list goes on and on.
I think you answered your question for yourself.

He's feeling threatened by all those little old ladies, and has to assert himself the only way he knows how. Maybe you could offer him pity?

And what Dun said.
I agree he is a big butt hole. :mad: :mad:
You never know what is going through the pea size brain of jerks like that. I bet he does it now because he knows it annoys you.

Too bad you don't have a pellet gun. Shoot his dog in the butt and it won't want to come back in your yard.
He's a bad banana with a greasy black peel! His soul is an appalling dump heap overflowing with the most disgraceful assortment of rubbish imaginable mangled up in tangled up knots!
Can't very well punish the dog for being owned by an idjit---Oh,forgot to mention the dog is on a leash.
I feel he's showing contempt toward old women..that or people he thinks are his inferioers..
kerley":1tpkezpo said:
Maybe he is just lonely and wants to talk to a lovely woman.
is that the same theory as "He only throws frogs at you because he likes you"???
being sort of old fashioned and recognizing that subtlety does not accomplish the desired result when applied to idiots......

My preferred solution would be the committee approach.

assemble a small committee of volunteers. three is a good workable number. the volunteers should be youthful and burly and this is important......of a kind and smiling demeanor.

these volunteers should communicate to the offender that they are the (insert locality here) Benevolent Ladies Protection Society and that they are pledged to alleviate social injustice and unkind treatment to ladies. (then follows and example of the unkind behavior) Purposeful deposition of unwanted canine fecal material is one such injustice.

Then one large index finger should be placed firmly on the chest of the offender and a smiling warning should be given that if the offensive behavior should reoccur then the offending human party may soon enjoy an unpleasant meal.

the committees should then bid the party to have a nice day.

Another approach would be to have the local karate club have a practice session on your lawn. Or if you know a guy who can bend horshoes or tear phonebooks those demos work too. Nothing needs to be said just have the demo in sight of the offender. In my youth I did a few of these demos.

if every area had a Benevolent Ladies Protection Society, the world would be a better place. back in the day in our area it was family oriented. but it worked. strength is of no value if it does not have a useful application for good.
peg4x4":2oyd66ow said:
kerley":2oyd66ow said:
Maybe he is just lonely and wants to talk to a lovely woman.
is that the same theory as "He only throws frogs at you because he likes you"???
No I think he is just sweet on you. Next time he comes around offer him a cold drink and some friendly conversation. Would'nt you be surprised if he were a nice gentelman with a flaw that could be changed with just a kind word. Hey he may even have a Drivers License and a car, beats riding the bus to the Dr. appointments.
Returning the product to its rightful owner works real well. We had a lawyer about 4 houses down who used to do this for us. After asking him nicely a couple times, I started scooping and returning it to him, right on his front stoop. Didn't take long at all and he got it all figured out.

As far as why, "arrogance" and "contempt" come to mind.
I will say if the lady in the other end of the house catches him,he may call the cops himself to come rescue him.
She's kinda has a take no prisoners approch..
I don't want to know him----you are who you are when you think nobodys looking..

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