Homewrecking Cattle

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Good luck.....appeal to his financial sensabilities...look at all the blue dollars that you will be saving by raising your own beef and all the health benefits from eating farm raised meat....the chickens and eggs can be introduced later.

Do a search of all the past posts on getting started to be sure that you know what you are getting into and the time commitment involved...cows want to be fed no matter what the weather is doing, but what the heck, early morning trips to the barn in a few feet of snow and a freezing wind is what tests that Canuck spirit.

I could get expelled from the club...but...let him think that it's his idea and feed him information in small doses...us guys respond to things that we can swallow easily.

Just my two bits worth...asked for or not....DMc
SheriMonk":20l3iz32 said:
The homewrecking title was a little bit factitious.
He generally likes animals but has no other interest in cattle other than seeing it on a plate.

I suspect that he'll adapt and adjust - and all the tips have been helpful. We have two sons - one is totally into the idea and the other really wouldn't care either way so long as his video games weren't cutoff.

Thanks again!

Throw away the video games and give him a shovel and a big pile of manure to relocate. He'll be better off in the longrun, and so will you.
My XOL hated Cattle. She went as far as to call me a "Hick" for owning them,said I was on an ego trip and said "Feed" was "Food" like dawg food.Sent her down the road. If you dont both have a majority of common interests, it's a rough row to hoe.My Wife WAS a City Girl, but she wouldn't trade our Lifestyle for the world. We're a team.
Hey let me tell you something. When Boss Lady first traveled to the North country the closest thing she came to bovine was a well done burger. NOW! Well she runs the biggest cow calf operation in the umm South East part of the township.

Oh yeah for sure, she loves cattle ranching :D
mnmtranching":3gclhlvu said:
Hey let me tell you something. When Boss Lady first traveled to the North country the closest thing she came to bovine was a well done burger. NOW! Well she runs the biggest cow calf operation in the umm South East part of the township.
Oh yeah for sure, she loves cattle ranching :D
Crack me up!

You can't do this alone ~ Misty is right. The only thing I don't do is pull or pound T-post (my job is putting on insulators and stringing wire :roll: ). Also agree with poster (Gate Opener?) who said start with cows not heifers. We raised bottle calves to start ~ I would not recommend doing that, too many school of hard knocks lessons there :( .
Keep it simple for awhile. He can't help but fall for it.
Well, shoot, I love having the cattle, but it wouldn't be worth my marriage. Lucky for me, my husband enjoys it. We are an awesome team and couldn't do it alone.

If it's really important to you, maybe you guys can compromise. Maybe he likes to eat steak, so you could start with a couple of feeder steers so he gets to enjoy the fruits of the labor.

Maybe he doesn't like it because deep down he's afarid you'll get injured (cattle are dangerous). Reassure him that you will first build suitable infrastructure to handle them safely.

Or, maybe you are looking to spend time doing something away from him because there are underlying problems. Perhaps a counselor could help resolve things. If that's the case, prayers to you both that things get sorted out.
Little Cow":icn9or5c said:
Well, shoot, I love having the cattle, but it wouldn't be worth my marriage. Lucky for me, my husband enjoys it. We are an awesome team and couldn't do it alone.

If it's really important to you, maybe you guys can compromise. Maybe he likes to eat steak, so you could start with a couple of feeder steers so he gets to enjoy the fruits of the labor.

Maybe he doesn't like it because deep down he's afarid you'll get injured (cattle are dangerous). Reassure him that you will first build suitable infrastructure to handle them safely.

Or, maybe you are looking to spend time doing something away from him because there are underlying problems. Perhaps a counselor could help resolve things. If that's the case, prayers to you both that things get sorted out.
There is a flip side of this coin. What kind of marrage does one have if they will not alow the spouse to enjoy something they like.
He does not have to enjoy what you enjoy but if what you want to do breaks up your marrage, what kind of relationship do you have anyway.
Marrage is a give and take arrangement. You can,t give to much and you can,t take to much. When or if you buy cattle he will loose part of you to them.
I think it's more a bit of a fear or a threat somehow - representative of the change in our lives (moving, new job).

We met as a result of a mutual hobby that is a passion for the both of is, he probably fears that the cattle will detract from that somehow.

With time, I am sure he will warm to it when he sees that nothing else has changed.

Besides, I think he likes me in a cowboy hat. ;)

If he suddenly developed an interest in something I had little interest in, there might be a period of adjustment on my end, as I metabolized the change.

Though he is frequently annoyed he is equally amused by it recently, a good sign of acceptance I think.
I agree that your spouse should allow you to try new things, or do something you've always wanted to do, but if it's something that's going to require him to be totally involved in something he doesn't have an interest in, I would think he would get frustrated being "roped into" doing a lot of work on something he doesn't enjoy.

I agree that marriage is a compromise and a give and take, but I can't recall either me or my spouse ever doing something the other wasn't glad to either try or support.
SheriMonk":r0feiwq8 said:
However, here's the hitch... my husband is just not into this idea. He doesn't understand why the industry interests me, doesn't want any cattle or even a horse. (though he would like to live outside of town.)

At the risk of sounding harsh, it sounds to me like you married a man that is not really interested in your dreams/plans/fulfillment. A true partner - and I don't care if that partner is male or femal - would support you in your endeavors, regardless of whether they were interested or not, provided those endeavors were attainable. From the sounds of your post, that isn't happening.

Just wondering if a similar situation has occured on these boards before (or is occuring) and how others have been able to cope with a mismatched cattle coupling.

Yes, it has. My former husband was not interested in my dreams, and now he is my ex-husband.

The way I figure it, he's lucky I want a cow and not a cowboy. ;)

You bring up an interesting point, but the way I figure it is this - I'm more than willing to listen to his dreams, and do my best to find a way to make them happen, so if he is not willing to do the same thing for me - I've obviously made a mistake and that mistake will be rectified. Harsh? Possibly. I don't need a father/authority figure - I already have one - I want a partner who will support me, and do his best to make my dreams a reality, just like I would do for him.
if he likes steak so much, teach him how to appriciate it and where it comes from. buy a few 500 pound steers, feed them out and butcher one. be sure to have good handling equipment cuz you wouldnt want to ruin it by not being able to control the animals.

my boyfriend may not be interested in cattle, but he does support me.

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