God's wonderful works

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Well-known member
Apr 20, 2005
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We have a 13 year old beefmaster cow. Last year she lost her calf during labor. The calf was coming backwards, and one leg got turned. By the time we got her penned and to the vet, it was too late. This year we did not know if she was bred. Then she started to bag up. She went into labor, but did not seem to want to push. Her water broke at 5:30 in the afternoon. By 8:30, another sack of fluid came out, still no pushing. I checked her throughout the night, still no signs of pushing. I got up for work at 5 am, and checked her before leaving. There was one leg coming out again, backwards. I tried to pull, but had no luck. I was already thinking I had lost this one. I called a retired friend of mine to come by that morning, and take her into the vet to get it pulled out. He got to my house at 8:30 am, and he said there was two legs out then. He grapped on to them, and he said both legs were cold, so he figured the calf was dead. He gave one pull, and out came the calf. He started rubbing the calf, and it gave one cough and was alive. This is a miracle. She was in labor for over 12 hours. The calf's back end seemed to be twisted alittle, and one of his backed feet was curled under backwards, and one of his front legs seemed to be bowed. We did everthing we could think of to help this calf. The calf was too weak to get up, and the momma was to weak to nurse the baby. My friend and my wife milked the momma and gave the calf the colostrum. We bottled the calf for a few days, and he started getting around better. I can say now that he is a normal calf. Oh yea, he is a bull calf. Purebred beefmaster calf. This calf is truely God sent. Me and my wife prayed when this cow went into labor. We wanted her to have this calf, because it could possibly be he last calf. This says alot about the power of prayer. When we had given on the cow, God did not. I decided to post this message on a Sunday morning, because this is God's day. I want to also say that we are members of a Cowboy Church. If there is someone who currently does not go to church, find a Cowboy Church in your area and give Jesus Christ a visit. When you have him in your life, all things are possible. I will post pictures of the miracle calf later today. God Bless.
your right he was watching over that cow with a 12 hr labor.it was a mircal to save that calf.
stelg":2fzy1bte said:
She went into labor, but did not seem to want to push. Her water broke at 5:30 in the afternoon. By 8:30, another sack of fluid came out, still no pushing. I checked her throughout the night, still no signs of pushing. I got up for work at 5 am, and checked her before leaving. There was one leg coming out again, backwards. I tried to pull, but had no luck. I was already thinking I had lost this one. I called a retired friend of mine to come by that morning, and take her into the vet to get it pulled out. He got to my house at 8:30 am, and he said there was two legs out then. He grapped on to them, and he said both legs were cold, so he figured the calf was dead. He gave one pull, and out came the calf. He started rubbing the calf, and it gave one cough and was alive. This is a miracle. She was in labor for over 12 hours.

I agree it is a miracle that the calf is alive. It is also a miracle that the cow is alive!! If you saw the water break at 5:30, you should have had a calf by 8:30. If I don't see any progress in an hour after the water breaking, then I at least check the cow. Normally calves that are presented normal but are just too big at least get their front feet out. Otherwise, it is an abnormal presentation, and the cow will need assistance.

I wouldn't wait that long again. EVER.
TNMasterBeefProducer":368mna03 said:
What kind of waterhead would wait for a cow to calve 12 hours? Wait one hour. If no progress is made then do something. You are very lucky you didnt lose the cow and the calf. God must really like you. If that had happened to me no amount of praying would have saved the cow and or the calf.

I have to agree with you on this one TN. It seems God forgave ignorance and took over . It is situations like this that are best not left to prayer alone. I think you just got lucky because when I have treated an animal with everything that I can do and spend hours and hours trying to save it and pray for help from "God" and they still die what does that mean that God didn't like me or the animal ?

Glad things turned out OK this time but don't expect the same next time . Sometimes God helps those who help themselves, that cow should have had help after the second sack broke.
DavisBeefmasters":a1mvd474 said:
If HE has a plan, don't get in HIS way... truly a miracle.

Not trying to turn this into a religous thread, but.....

HE does have a plan for all of US. Our book it already written, we just don't know it yet.

With that said, an animal owner has the responsibility to the animal. Leaving a cow in labor overnight after the water breaking at 5:30 in the afternoon is not giving the animal the help/attention they need and deserve. Wether you have 1 cow or one thousand, the prudent thing to do would have been to at a very minimum check that cow after an hour or two of seeing the water break. The stress put on the cow and the calf is evident.
The calf was too weak to get up, and the momma was to weak to nurse the baby. My friend and my wife milked the momma and gave the calf the colostrum. We bottled the calf for a few days, and he started getting around better.

Yes, prayer prevailed and a miracle happened, but as Hills said, God helps those who help themselves.

The cow should have gotten help no more than two hours after the water sack broke. PERIOD.

Maybe if that would have happened, God wouldn't have had to spend so much time with the cow and calf. He has enough on his plate.
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