Fondest High school memory

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Sep 7, 2005
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southwest, MO
My oldest is starting High school today, I got to thinking what is the fondest memory you all have of your High School Days?

i hated highschool an my senior year with a i was always having a prob with a teacher chewing on me.but it took about 2 months of my dad chewing her out every week to slow her down.then he finally got tired of chewing her told her he was going to have her she left me i started going to school 2 days a week.everyone knew my dad an they knew how madd he would be having to come chew her out.
GMN":246l2tg8 said:
My oldest is starting High school today, I got to thinking what is the fondest memory you all have of your High School Days?


Getting beat 48-0 in the first round of football playoffs my senior year. :help:

Really just sports in general, since I participated in 4 different sports. My favorite memory was beating our rival school in basketball 98-55 (or something like that) in the first round of playoffs to get to state. All five of us had over 20 points, and our bench only scored 4. It was a fun night.
Breaking the school record in tackles :banana: Seems like another memory was made that same night with a certain girl named Rhonda......... :oops: Oh well I digress :roll:
One would have to be my first date, to the Valentine's dance when I was 16. The other was when I made All State Band, the first person from my school and my UIL region, to ever do so.
Stacking 40 freshamn guys in one bathroom stall. Thats right 40 of them in one of them little bathroom stalls not the handicapped one. We got them all i nthere somehow not sure how tho but they all fit corse they had pretty good motivation to fit in there. Haha was not personally stackign them but was present to watch and see how many they oculd fit in there. Sneaking out for lunch at Mcdonalds on days we had cavatiny. Going to watch volleyball and basketball at state when we went pretty much a party all the time. :banana: Party's and i stil lhave one year left yeah then i can get out of that prison. For some reason they get stricter every year.
I hated high school, except for my civics teacher. She was wonderful! She was the only one I worked for. I pulled 98% in her class...and blew off every other class. Am I ashamed of that....not really!

Boy that is a tough one.
I would have to say telling off the meanest teacher in my school that the rest of the kids were scared of. I had been delayed by my counselar, got to his class late and he started yelling at me because I did what he told me to do, sit down and open my books. I stood up and told him what I thought of him and stormed out of his class and went straight to the deans office. Funny thing is, that guy would smile at me each time he saw me, he never smiled at any student. :???:

My next best memory was when my Marine recruiters showed up if their dress blues to support me and to give me a shoulder to lean on the day I found out a friend had commited suicide the night before.
I still think of those 2 Marines with much love for both of them.
Leavin campus with the buddies to go get some breakfast tacos. And then the times we got caught coming up with some lame excuses.

but what i woudl tell your son is probably the people I got to meet and the friends I made. heck we are all going to college togather. Best part of high school was gettin to know everyone and havin a fun time, football games, classes, parties all that junk. What i would tell your boy is dont be afraid to meet some new people. Course i went ot a high school of over 3000 haha
My fondnest scale of memories of high school has changed over time. There are too many good times to list them all and too many character building times as well.

Some may be...

Hauling hay in the morning and getting off to go to football practice in the afternoon. I didn't have to haul hay on 2 a day's.

Watching the coaches pick up the guy who was laying on the field non responsive for no apparent reason and taking them to throw them in a cold shower as we got a break while they were gone. The one that didn't move went to the hospital. All the others came back with a funny look on their face.

Sleeping in Mrs. Dickey's trig class and being able to answer her question when she would call on me to answer the same. It seemed to annoy her to no end.

Cutting classes and entire school days.

After getting in an altercation with an individual that was worthy off the butt whooping he took and sitting across from the principal, he called Dad. The principal said I had been in a fight and told him some particulars. The pricipal looked kinda funny and hung up after saying "well I didn't expect him to hit him". Dad had asked him what he would have expected me to do. Cleaning base boards after school ain't that bad.

All in all it seems I have way more things that require constant attention than I did then.
Boy, some high achievers here!!! I my loved high school experience. I participated in 4 sports, choir, and speech. I liked and loved all my teachers, many of whom I am still in contact with 20 years later. They were mentors to me then and friends to me now.
Fondest memories? Going to state in high jump and hurdles.

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