Final outing with our show cattle this year

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congratulations. you have to be pretty proud to finish on top with that tough competition.
congratulations. you have to be pretty proud to finish on top with that tough competition.
Always exciting to be on top! We also took Premier Breeder & Exhibitor. The breeder award is ALWAYS our goal.
This heifer is a Jan out of a 2-year old (shown also as cow/calf pair). She weighed 846# last week - literally on mom's milk & hay & grass. At home, we separate them during the day and give her 1.5# of a mixture of half whole oats and half cotton seed hull pellets am & pm. They are getting weaned today! People in the barn would come over during feeding and were amazed we don't load up any of our cattle with a lot of grain.
Congrats! Will you sell her, or take her home to grow into a brood cow?
We have a price list of all our heifers - my nephew posts the list on FB. We post a sale sheet of our show string at every show. We have a higher price on this one. They range from $4500 - $7000 --- and yes, we do sell them. We would prefer to keep this girl, but I have the "factory" (dam) bred back same way and an almost full sib to this little girl - same age. Dams are out of sisters and sired by same sire.
We have a price list of all our heifers - my nephew posts the list on FB. We post a sale sheet of our show string at every show. We have a higher price on this one. They range from $4500 - $7000 --- and yes, we do sell them. We would prefer to keep this girl, but I have the "factory" (dam) bred back same way and an almost full sib to this little girl - same age. Dams are out of sisters and sired by same sire.
I didn't see them for sale on your FB page, but I did on your website. Didn't see a one that I wouldn't love to have. Never seen any better anywhere. Some near as good, maybe, but none better. You really know what you are doing, and it shows.