Feeding Bull Calves

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Oct 14, 2008
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I have a young purebred Galloway (surprise there) bull calf, born 7/22/09 that I am wanting to keep a bull a while longer to see how he turns out. He is a thick little guy, and has good size for age. Was just weaned from dam two weeks ago and then we took him to NWSS. He has been on a small amount of feed to maintain condition after weaning, however, I am trying to decide what to do with him from here. Usually once done showing for a while, we ease whichever animals have been on grain off and back onto hay/pasture/minerals. However, I have yet to raise a bull calf past the age of 6 months as we usually make a decision at weaning (and it's usually the knife!!)

So, my question to all of you is...would you keep him on feed, or taper him off for a couple months, feed him again, then taper off, feed, etc, etc??

Feed for him would mean a 12% All-Stock grain, at about 3-4lbs/day, and about 1 1/2-2 cups pelleted beet pulp mixed in (shredded is almost impossible to find where we are at) He would also have access to some alfalfa and free access to good quality grass hay.

He currently weighs in at 425-450lbs.

Thanks in advance!!
I would personally feed him 1 1/2-2% of his body wt in grain and hay. Then if you do not keep him a bull he is well on his way to be grain feed freezer beef. He is a cutie!
Thanks for the posts! I am assuming from your postings that you mean he should continue on grain?? Thanks again!
To me you might be better off putting him on corn and beef pellet with vit and min from your feed mill, probably cheaper than allstock, beet pulp pellets, mostly a filler and at his age he doesnt really need that if you are feeding hay. Good luck
The allstock is actually the cheapest I can find, our local mill doesn't sell feed in anything other than 2000lb bags, and I have no where to store a ton bag of corn. The beet pulp was just for getting him ready for show, once the bag is empty I will discontinue it and just make sure he has plenty of hay. Also, would you suggest having a feeder available that just always has grain in it, or feeding a specific amount daily? I am assuming a specific amount as he would most likely just stand and eat all day long and make himself sick or over-conditioned, causing future fertility problems.
Well we feed our show stock and feeders twice a day, approx 2% of body weight, plus all the hay they want. Some people do feed on demand. Its whatever fits in your program. The twice a day feeding, I know how much they are eating and how they are doing. Personal preference. Also helps because you are around them, they know you and it keeps them adjusted for showing. IMO. We set a goal, fair, butcher, shows whatever it might be. Figure out adg and the weight you want them to be at that time. Then adjust the feed accordingly. Now we dont raise bulls, just steers and heifers so working with a bull long term, I dont know the answers. We AI, dont want a bull on the property, thats just us. There are lots of experts out there that may have better answers. I would just watch how he grows on allstock, not a feed I would use for showing.
This time of year I feed 1% of body weight of a 12% complete feed plus stockpiled forage and what rye and clover they find. That keeps them in good growing condition without getting them show or butcher fat. When the clover and rye has grown enough they are weaned off the feed. If they don't turn out I cut and go up to 2% on the feed, or sell.
The question is what do you want to do with him? Keep him for your herd? Do you have a specific show like your state fair, American Royal, NWSS again? If you want to show him the one rule is to feed, feed, and feed. If you want to sell him as a bull then just feed a little less but always remember (as a general rule) the more a bull weighs the better you can sell him. I know that might meet with some dissention in this forum but the person buying your bull does not want to know what he might look like with more feed they want to say wow he looks fleshy. Same thing in the show ring; people want to know his ADG and 99% of the time a green animal will finish behind his peers even if he might have other "better" traits.

That being said you can look up show rations from any major feed supplier (Showmaster, Kent, Purina...ect) and find a ration that will work. You might have to drive a little but there is probably a dealer somewhere close. I would recommend working him up though. Don't pour the finish ration to him too early. I do believe in giving them a little hay especially if they have loose stools. I like my animals to keep a little forage inside them. You can learn a lot from watching poop. You don't have to feed the expensive stuff but you can rely on the quality.

Also, remember if you want to show this guy you are going to have to give up the notion that you will ever recoup all the costs you invest unless you get him to win. Showing is more about the experience and it is a way to advertise your future offspring from this bull.

So the short answer to your question is I would not taper him off. It is much easer to hold them at a weight than to make them gain in the first place...IMHO