Feed Mix

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Apr 19, 2007
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Gulf Coast of South Texas
I have never had feed mxed before. Here is what the local feed store came up with. I am wondering if there are some adjustments that can be made to get a little more bang for the buck. (I keep mineral and molasses out year round and they will have hay or dry grass with this)

chopped corn--------#1100-----1.65-----1.87-----3.85

cotton seed hulls-----#200------4.30------.44------.40

cotton seed mill------#445------2.80------.89-----9.12

Peanut Hull Pellets---#100------2.75------.05------.30



Fiber 11.50%
Fat 3.47%
Protien 13.85%

$329.54/ #2000.... $16.48/#100

What is the importance of fiber and fat in the mix? IF I start playing with the numbers what kind of balance do you still want to keep?
Looks ok to me. I'm not one for feeding antibiotics in feed but the cost is not a lot. I personally don't care for peanut hulls and would probably substitute cottonseed hulls. Price doesn't look out of line either.
Just my opinion but I'd feed it to anything from calves still nursing (free choice) to mature cattle (limit feeding). Should work well for all.
I am wanting to "hand feed" it to every thing from mommas, replacement heifers, and the calves I am keeping thru the winter.

The price they gave me on this was about $1.5 cheaper per #100 than their sweet feed but the sweet feed is only 12%.

Also, does some one know what these ingredients are selling for seperated out? I am not paying $9 for corn when it is $4 now. They will try it if they can.
The cost of these ingredients can change daily. A lot of the feed mills will cahrge based upon their cost of their current inventory+ what ever % profit they make. They may get a 10 ton load of corn in that cost them $10 cwt this week and a 10 ton load next time may be $12 cwt. When I have feed mixed, I get a ticket showing the breakdown of each item with % and cost of each.
#550 Chopped Corn_____73.43 (13.35/#100)
#100 C/S Hull___________12.29
#272 C/S Meal__________47.03 (17.29/#100)
#75_ Mixing molasses____10.46 (13.95/#100)
#3__ Aero 10 (CTC 10)_____.89 (2.67/#100)

That mixed #1000.
7.40 for bags
$168.38/ #1000.... #336.76/ ton

chopped corn_______#550------1.65------1.87------3.85

cotton seed hulls____#100------4.30-------.44--------.40

cotton seed mill_____#272------3.43------1.09-----11.16



Fiber 9.38%
Fat 3.62%
Protien 15.59%

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