dead heifer

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Jan 15, 2014
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This morning while feeding I found a dead heifer not due till mid march. She looks as if she started to calve either last night or early morning. She had discharge and blood at her rear and blood around her nostrils. She did make a bag cause when I squeeze her she had milk coming out. Didn't know if anyone had an idea of what may have caused something like this to happen. Someone told me that the calf could had kicked the cord and she may have bleed internally. I hope this isn't a sign of what's to come cause we still have 52 heifers due in march.
Sometimes things just happen's and there is'nt anything to be done about it. This maybe your calving trouble for the season. I personally never heard anything about a cow dieing from a torn umbilical cord. I think I would beleive that the bloody nostrils are a thing to consider moreso than a true calving problem. Good Luck and don't borrow trouble " as sure as you have livestock "some will die and we will not always have the answer as to why.
This morning while feeding I found a dead heifer not due till mid march. She looks as if she started to calve either last night or early morning. She had discharge and blood at her rear and blood around her nostrils. She did make a bag cause when I squeeze her she had milk coming out. Didn't know if anyone had an idea of what may have caused something like this to happen. Someone told me that the calf could had kicked the cord and she may have bleed internally. I hope this isn't a sign of what's to come cause we still have 52 heifers due in march.

That was too sad to hear. I hope they will investigate it thoroughly. :(
chorewife":3lbowmtl said:
This morning while feeding I found a dead heifer not due till mid march. She looks as if she started to calve either last night or early morning. She had discharge and blood at her rear and blood around her nostrils. She did make a bag cause when I squeeze her she had milk coming out. Didn't know if anyone had an idea of what may have caused something like this to happen. Someone told me that the calf could had kicked the cord and she may have bleed internally. I hope this isn't a sign of what's to come cause we still have 52 heifers due in march.

If she was that bagged up she was close - suspect calving prob that might have been solved if she had been watched. Your dates might be off. There are signs to look for.

Bred heifers - the last thing I would ever suggest to someone if they have limited cattle knowledge.

If you have 52 heifers to go and are not in this game as an experienced player you best have your vet on speed dial and be able to close them up real fast to work them it required.

Hope you folks know cows.

Good luck to you

I had this exact thing happen just last weekend sounds about the same a little blood on the rear and a tiny amount around nose my vet said that mine was trying to abort but was not dialated enough to abort so that was cause of death... sometimes i wonder though
I second Bez's comments. Just wondering what makes you think those heifers are all due March? If this one was bagged up then she was close to delivering and I'd be wondering if the others really are March. I wouldn't wait I'd get your vet out now to check the heifers out.
some times the calf is mummified almost like rock like and they can't pass the calf. this causes them to die inside out.
Might be a long shot, but could there be any noxious weeds in the feed you are feeding? Maybe CRP hay? Just a thought.? Could explain a abortion as well, maybe leading to other issues.
I am guessing you had them checked to know they are due in March but sometimes even vets are off I had a vet check a cow and tell me she was 5 months bred that cow didn't calve for another 6 months and another time bought a heifer at a replacement sale said she was 7 mo got her home noticed she had started a bag and backend was swollen and sure enough she had a fully developed healthy calf that night so some of your girls may be further along than you think sorry you lost her and hope you have better luck with rest but the odds aren't with you with that many heifers I would start keeping a real close eye on those bags and back ends when one looks close get her penned up and keep an eye on her you going to have some sleepless nights also get you some good birthing chains and a puller