Dad in the ER

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Well-known member
Nov 12, 2021
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Riverton Wyoming
Yesterday morning we had the ambulance come get dad. Dad calls it the dead wagon; that is what he called it several years ago when he got bucked off. They hauled him to the hospital in Rawlins, they were going let him go home that night. It was a compressed fracture. The next day they had his pain in check, he was up and dress, and he drove all the way back to Riverton . He was not responsive to us, and had a fever. We spent all day in the ER and finally about 6pm they got him into a room. He was right on the edge of being welcomed by Saint Peter. I was not so sure he was going to come out of it, but this morning he was slightly responsive to the doctor. Turns out he had the flu. By this afternoon he was awake and responsive to us, and wanted to watch TV, so found him a western. He is not out of the woods yet, but things are improving. I think my sister and I are coming down with the same thing he has. I am thankful he is doing better.
Sorry to hear but glad he has responded and is doing a little better... Hoping for continued improvement... and take care of yourself and sister too... this "bug" going around here wound up being pneumonia in several and pretty rough.
An update on dad. They moved him into a Rehab center the other day. He looked a little better yesterday when I seen him, although it had been a week when he was first in the hospital when I last saw him. I went to the doctor on Thursday, turns out I have bronchitis, so I'm on meds for that.
Hope you dad does ok. I was helping my brother feed silage yesterday. When we finished up, he asked if it was the day (Jan 4th) our dad died or was it the 5th. It was the 4th of January, 1991. 34 years ago. I was still a young guy then. Left a hole in the family.

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