Cow has me stumped. Breed or not breed

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Double R Ranch

Well-known member
Jun 1, 2004
Reaction score
Out West
Have a 2 year old with her first calf at side. Bred after good standing heat post sync.
21 days would be yesterday with no signs of heat 18-21 days. Bred first time around first calf.
This evening an old cow we left open is in standing heat. She followed the 2 year old around for a long time and the 2 year old wouldn't stand but she was mounting the old cow repeatedly. Eventually she stands for a second, ears back but moves off fairly quickly. Has done a couple head rests and under belly bumping to the old cow. In her previous heats she stands still like normal.
No other heifers or cows are paying her any attention and she does move when they get close to her rear.
When I separated her from the standing heat cow (moved to different pasture) she went right to nursing her calf. No one else seems to be trying to mount her at all.
Breed her in the morning or wait and draw blood? She's not 73 days post calving so I can't run blood on her at 28 days post breeding. We also are getting into over 105* days (she's a straggler born late) so the longer I wait to rebreed her if necessary the less chance of getting her settled. She's in good condition.
Thoughts? This one kind of has me stumped.
I would not breed her again, doesn't sound like she is in heat. Any mucus discharge? Watch her over the next couple of days for blood on her tail, if so she definitely was in heat. If she is in calf there is a risk she'll abort if you breed her again.
No discharge at all.
I sat for over an hour watching her and she checked a lot of other cows, tried to mount some but no one checked her or attempted a ride. She was pretty determined to get to the other pasture where the old cow is.
I just can't tell what's going on.
22 days post breeding. Only started acting suspicious when the old cow was fully standing. She refused to be ridden for a good hour (had a heat patch on for her reheat check a few days earlier) from when I noticed activity. Slowly a few very short stands then "run" but only by the in heat old cow.
Just trying to figure out if she is "feeding" off the in heat cows activity or somehow open and had a "late" heat. The timing is just odd.
My vote is to not breed... she's reacting to the old cow in heat.

IF you do breed and encounter mucus plug in her cervix she's pregnant.
(feels like you're trying to pass gun tip through molasses) stop immediately and withdraw,
disrupting the protective plug can cause her to abort.
Thanks :)
I've decided to wait and see what she does and blood test her as soon as possible. I don't palpated under 60 days.
Catch her next heat if she's open. By then I will be sure either way. Just don't want to chance terminating her pregnancy if she is pregnant at this point. She synchronizes well and shows heat very well normally. Just hope if this is a real heat we don't have 110* weather next heat.
I would follow redgully's advise. I have bred cows in similar situations when I started AI breeding my herd. had most calf around due date of first breeding. If you do breed and she is not in heat, she will feel dry and sticky when trying to get through cervix as previous reply. My AI instructor told our class that they usually will not abort unless you are really aggressive once you pass through the cervix (whatever that means.) If you are still not sure, you can deposit just short of the last cervix ring. If she is in heat, not passing all the way through the cervix does not reduce the chance of her getting settled by much and reduces the chance of damaging the cervix plug. My reply may be a little late but may help you later if it happens again. good luck

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