cow down

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Mar 18, 2007
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is it a bad thing to have a cow on it's side ? i'm talkin about not have her front or rear legs under her? reason i ask i had to roll her over as she has been down on right side for about 12 days..she lost a calf & was paralized [calf was breach & dead ] when i found her ......had to pull calf...she has a few raw spots on her on her right side...she seems to be alot worse after i rolled her over........up untill now she has beed eating 7 drinking she said give her time & she will get up..i think she has been slowly going down i rolled her .....thinkin i was helpin....any help would be much ablydged......thanks
Stroker. Do your cows eyes look bright, or are they hazy looking. Sometimes a down and depressed cow can be brought back if you can lift her to a standing position 2 or 3 times a day,using a front end loader on your tractor. Just use wide 1foot straps to lift her and leave her suspended for about one half hour at a time.Lift her high enough that she can stand with her full weight on the ground if she wants to. Sometimes a change in latitude can lead to a change in attitude. She may start to feel mentally stronger because she is up and it could eventually help to increase her appetite. Good luck.
stroker 12 day's is a long time for a cow to be down on the same side don't mean to be negative but it sound's like the best thing to do is put her down get her out of her misery.It is a bad deal to have one down and loose her but even worse to let the ole gal suffer.

12 days on one side? Nooo, she's gotta be taken out, right now. I've seen them 3 days on one side, and it's not a pretty sight. You don't want to turn her over...or maybe you see what 12 days on one side does... :(

Paralysis from calving, should have given Dexamethazone, and hip lifted her, right after calving. 12 days down, is just too long, as I say, if they don';t get up within a few days, a downer cow is a dead cow.


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