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Feb 11, 2018
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The president hasn't changed his stance much. It is becoming harder and harder for him to play their silly game though.
We will see how long before this is locked.

I think we are at 100 dead, and they are just loosening some of the lockdown now.....

Re Trump, he should have just had Pence doing most talking, and the medicos...he said 60..65k deaths, but under 100k....not sure why any politician sets themselves up like could pass the 100 soon.

Looks like it is no longer ramping up there, right ?
Thank goodness we have a potus with enough sense to save out country. If left to the media and the other BS we would be all in a dam cave from now on. Everybody go out and get some fresh air and quit reading all this fake media BS. Also be careful and not get hit by a car or you will be the next covid 19 statistic. Use common sense if you have any and your chances of getting this are pretty low. Also if you want to blame anything blame the country who created this..........China. I see a lock coming and I did not start this....We have spent trillions and all people have been warned and warned so what more can be done. Both parties have disagreed, but have at least come together to make important decisions to help in time of need.

haase said:
The original poster must have removed his post, went fishing without the sharpest hooks.
Probably cut out to leave some of the rest of us to get banished with what he started. I will make sure the next time I quote the OP message. If I had made a stupid statement like that I would duck and run also.
I have a question:

"If those masks are as effective as many government officials seem to claim, why did they not simply issue them to criminals in prisons and leave them locked up?"
Logar said:
I have a question:

"If those masks are as effective as many government officials seem to claim, why did they not simply issue them to criminals in prisons and leave them locked up?"
There are over 2 million incarcerated in the United States. Only a very small fraction of non violent offenders have been released. I am sure the masks help, but rubbing your eyes and nose with your hands probably is not a good ideal either. The ones released were low risk and probably a money savings move as much as a virus risk.
jltrent said:
Thank goodness we have a potus with enough sense to save out country. If left to the media and the other BS we would be all in a dam cave from now on. Everybody go out and get some fresh air and quit reading all this fake media BS. Also be careful and not get hit by a car or you will be the next covid 19 statistic. Use common sense if you have any and your chances of getting this are pretty low. Also if you want to blame anything blame the country who created this..........China. I see a lock coming and I did not start this....We have spent trillions and all people have been warned and warned so what more can be done. Both parties have disagreed, but have at least come together to make important decisions to help in time of need.

you probably shouldn't post numbers like that, you know factual numbers, it justs bursts the balloons of folks like the original poster.
Re survival rates, I doubt those % are true, and, I only say that, because a large chunk of tested & positive people take a long time to test virus free it seems & that does not seem unreasonable.

It also is clearly devastating if your in some sort of communal care facility, even here with less than 100 deaths in total, a chunk have or were on cruises & died months later & a chunk have been in care facilities.

Of course that is not a problem unless you have someone who needs to be cared for. It is all numbers until it is not & is a spouse, a brother, sister, mother etc

As western societies, there probably needs to be some fear too, otherwise people would not even adopt basic cleaning practices that prob most here had beaten into them :) Well, verbally beaten anyways :)

We will see in the wash later on the real impact, the financial is clear already.
Logar said:
I have a question:

"If those masks are as effective as many government officials seem to claim, why did they not simply issue them to criminals in prisons and leave them locked up?"

Because they can't take the chance that they wouldn't do as they were told.... I mean, why not let them out into the general public, with no housing, no supervision, no jobs, and let them pass along the possibility of the virus because we are all hunkered down to comply with rules.... like they have ever complied with rules to start with????? :bang:
There was no thoughts of any type of common sense there at all.
I saw a stupid article saying lockdown is actually saving money as each person is worth x amount of dollars to a countries economy. I think an Australian was valued at 4 million and an American 10 million. So saving those few hundred thousand lives is better for the economy. I've seen some spin on both sides but that was really drawing the long bow!
I am not sure what, apart from slobber etc, that I may produce if I was in a home & saved for future production....can I cash in my 4 mil now BTW ?

The virus has brought to the front of mind many moral delmors .... one thing for sure, we have to get going here, and, I do not see the prob with intl travelers if they will take tests and are ok about being monitored....
jltrent said:
Logar said:
I have a question:

"If those masks are as effective as many government officials seem to claim, why did they not simply issue them to criminals in prisons and leave them locked up?"
There are over 2 million incarcerated in the United States. Only a very small fraction of non violent offenders have been released. I am sure the masks help, but rubbing your eyes and nose with your hands probably is not a good ideal either. The ones released were low risk and probably a money savings move as much as a virus risk.

I think if you look a little closer there have been some very violent offenders released as well. Trust me when I write this because it is true but you will need to do some research on it for your own satisfaction.

Many of them have re-offended.

In the end if you are in jail that is where you stay.

For those who want to let them out that is fine. Personally your country and mine both have become far too soft in the way we treat the bad guys.

Once this fake epidemic is over it will be very difficult to go back to what was once normal.

Best to all.

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