I was not talking to you... but what you wrote just confirm my thoughts of genetic inconsistency in the Angus breed
> Don't much care what you think.
> You bet I'm a
> "pasionate" (your
> spelling) Angus breeder. There is
> more variety in the Angus breed
> than any other. Not everyone
> wants/needs the same kind of bull.
> I think diversity is one of the
> Angus breed's strong points. If
> you pay attention to EPDs, you can
> find an Angus bull that will work
> for you, whether you sell at the
> sale barn or the feedlot, whether
> your cattle graze in east or west
> Texas. Not every Angus bull will
> marble, but pay attention to EPDs
> and you'll find many that will.
> Some Angus bulls are too fat, pay
> attention to EPDs and you can
> avoid those if you want. Not every
> Angus bull will give you heavy
> milking daughters, but pay
> attention to EPDs and many will
> (or not, if you don't have the
> forage for heavy milking cows).
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