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I better knock on wood but I havent had chiggers, we called them red bugs, since I was a kid. Moms cure was to make us take a bath with alochol in the water.
I'm like Dun's wife, they would find me and leave anyone else alone.
But, as I posted, just a normal quick shower - taken IMMEDIATELY after going thru the fields, would eliminate them for me - and I also used the sock with sulphur.
Many years ago, I got into chiggars so bad that I got flu-like symptoms. I had over 300 bites from the waist down.

Nothing seemed to work - fingernail polish, ChiggarX. I had a fever, couldn't eat, couldn't sleep, nausea.

Then, my friend's mom recommended a 10% bleach solution bath for 15 minutes for each day I itched. The first time - 90% of the itching was gone. By day 2 I wasn't sick anymore. By the 3rd treatment - no itching at all. I will never forget that.

When we were kids, after playing in the weeds, we'd go swimming in a pool and never suffered the chiggars.

I also learned to sprinkle 5% Sevin Dust in my most travelled paths. You can also put it on your legs, etc. Now, I spray with Cutter or Repel (not Off) from the knees down.

If I forget, and get a couple of bites, after a warm shower, I soak the bite in 70% alcohol until the sting stops. Then I use hydrocortizone and first aid cream until I'm healed.

And yes - chiggars are microscopic.
I have tried all those mixtures, putting them on on the right moon, even those fancy doctor creams, none work. The only way I can get the chigger off me is to pop him like a zit. Squeeze the little b---- until you see the little red mother pop out then wash him down the drain. This work well everywhere except on the boys (politest way I know) a little pain or the constant itch.
As far getting them out of the field, No way other than some high power'd insecticide which will kill those there, soon as the grazing restriction is lifted they move back in. An ole fellow told me once to get the flowering weeds out of the pasture would help a bunch.
great now just by reading this i have chiggers crawlin on me i feel em Its bad to its what my family calls chiggeritis only way i been able to not get them is to not have gaps in clothing openings and use lots of bug spray... have y'all heard of the clothing spray repel permanone its is strictly for clothing and gear... it lasts forever on your clothes with no smell and through washing even
I did a lot of research on this topic last year when my wife and I got hit with chiggers for the first time in our lives. It turns out they are tiny arachnids in the larva stage that can only get on you when you rub against tall grass or weeds. They find the softest skin on the host and inject a digesting chemical into the skin, then suck up the juice. It takes up to 8 hours to find the soft skin; usually behind the knees,around waist and ankles. Women and children get it worse because of the softer skin. After they've had their fill they drop off and finish development. Some people say the chiggers bury into the flesh and so forth but this is not true. They just suck you and leave. Unfortunately for us, humans are allergic to the digesting saliva. Nevertheless, they don't transmit diseases because they only bite one host, eat their fill and finish their development.
I have lots of chiggers in my pasture but been able to avoid bad experiences by taking a shower with lots of soap within a few hours of coming off the pasture, using OFF (when I remember to) and if I get bitten I use Nupercainal cream which does wonders for Chigger bites.

Hope this helps.
I have lots of chiggers in my pasture but been able to avoid bad experiences by taking a shower with lots of soap within a few hours of coming off the pasture, using OFF (when I remember to) and if I get bitten I use Nupercainal cream which does wonders for Chigger bites.

Andrew, thanks, that was VERY informative. Years ago, when I lived in Kansas, everyone said you had to put nail polish on the bites to KILL the bug inside. I have known that they do not get into you for some time now, but hadn't heard details - 8 hours, huh? I knew taking a shower (actually, even just a quickie) kept them from biting. Never heard of Nupercainal cream. Does it work on any bites? I am VERY alergic to black flies & mosquitos.

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