Certified Humane

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Well-known member
Dec 30, 2004
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Hi All,

Is anyone on these boards already Certified Humane Raised & Handled ?

How difficult was the process ?

Does anyone know of anyone who has a certified herd ?

What is the inspection like ?

And does the inspection take place immediately after the application is processed, or when the optimum conditions exist on your ranch/farm etc ?

Please fill me in on some details.

Many Thanks.
I would be interested to know the answers to your questions myself. Specifically, what is the definition of "humane" in this case, and who is doing the defining.

All the information--and the book of standards, requirements, applications and definitions can be found at:


You have to register to be able to download the pdf files.

New Hampshire had the first dairy, in the USA, certified recently.
They proudly carry the Certified Humane label on all their products, and they are flying off the shelves. One of the largest diversified farms in the state of Vermont has recently applied.

Lets keep this thread legit and educational. No bashing or fighting about the sponsoring organizations, stringent requirements, etc.

With over 5,000 members on this Cattle board--someone must have gone through the process to be Certified Humane.

I have lots of questions.

PM me if you don't want to discuss it on this public forum.

Many thanks.
john250":5csb28xn said:
Fer cryin' out loud. What a crock.
I think my animals qualify, but I'll go for their cert when the devil is wearing earmuffs.
Just another vegan agenda.

John, you are certainly behind the times. Nothing is any good these days unless you have taken all the proper training, have undergone testing, and have obtained the proper and coveted certificate of certification from the proper issuing authority which has been duly appointed by the governing body of whatever organization is running things.

So get with the program.
How else do you ever expect to be in the proper membership data base?

Reminds me of a cartoon I saw in which Lucy tells Charlie Brown he cannot build a snowman because he is not a member of an official snowman building league. He had a hard time with that one. So would I if we had snow.
I got to thinking about this whole certified whatever stuff. I have a friend who raises chickens for a company. The company decided that all their birds will be certified antibiotic free. He has a some bug that is killing birds. It would be easy to cure this with a little pennicillin but he can't use it because these birds are antibiotic free. His last batch of birds his death loss was 18%. You sure couldn't say they were humanely raised when they are letting 18% die from something that could be treated. All this certified whatever is just a marketing ploy to sell to an unimformed public. I have an idea, rather than bend to meet a demand that was created by misinformation in the first place, why don't we make an effort to tell the public the truth.
Ryder":2yun86ap said:
john250":2yun86ap said:
Fer cryin' out loud. What a crock.
I think my animals qualify, but I'll go for their cert when the devil is wearing earmuffs.
Just another vegan agenda.

John, you are certainly behind the times. Nothing is any good these days unless you have taken all the proper training, have undergone testing, and have obtained the proper and coveted certificate of certification from the proper issuing authority which has been duly appointed by the governing body of whatever organization is running things.

So get with the program.
How else do you ever expect to be in the proper membership data base?

Reminds me of a cartoon I saw in which Lucy tells Charlie Brown he cannot build a snowman because he is not a member of an official snowman building league. He had a hard time with that one. So would I if we had snow.

Indiana is soon to unveil some sort of program to educate animal handlers. And in light of this slaughterhouse scandal in CA, it will likely be happening everywhere soon. Here, the CAFO folks are OK with having a certificate to hold up in front of their opponents.
But, you'll pay a fee, (I imagine less than $100) and attend a couple of meetings and pass a test. I don't think it will educate the fools, and the other 99% of us will just have another diploma. And it won't slow down the HSUS or PETA or GRACE for one minute.
CowCop":1k78d5uc said:

Hi All,

Is anyone on these boards already Certified Humane Raised & Handled ?

How difficult was the process ? I used to manage a certified humane raised and handled cow herd and the process was quite simple as they have a set of guidelines which are mostly common sense.

Does anyone know of anyone who has a certified herd ? Yes

What is the inspection like ? The Inspections are easy

And does the inspection take place immediately after the application is processed, or when the optimum conditions exist on your ranch/farm etc ? you have to fill out a questionaire or 2 then they set up a time for your initial inspection

Please fill me in on some details.

Many Thanks.