cattle drive

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Dec 10, 2005
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we all make new years resolutions..well a very dear friend of mine made a wish...that he could be involved with a cattle drive...he worked one years before and moved on to other things...he is one hell of a hard worker with great integrity, strength, and drive... I would love to make this happen... but have no idea where to start????
moochie, if you will do a google search for 'Cattle Drives + Vacations' (without the quotes) it should get you started in a grand style! Good luck, it's a wonderful thing you're trying to do! :)
I asked about the cattle drive...he said he did not want to do a dude ranch thing....he wants to do the real thing and again..he has done it before so he wouldn't be inexperienced...thanks for info
If no one from the board steps up, I would start with Contacting the National Forest Service and finding an outfit that has grazing rights. A few years back while Fishing around Platoro, Co and as we packed in,we ran into the Rancher gathering cattle. Beautiful country, scattered all over the north and western states. Most gather anywhere from late August into October.

Good luck!!
Hed probaly best stick with the dude ranch hard to find someboyd really trailing cattle to take on somebody green like that...doing it once years ago dont really count for much. Some big outfits in Californa tho....might check around the auctions there
Good luck

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