Castrating big calf-

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Well-known member
Apr 2, 2005
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Wa state
Just wondering what everyone's opinions are about castating a 650 pound bull.
We usually just have our friend come over and cut them, but wondering if there are any advantages to other methods. Can you use an emasculator on cattle, like you can on goats and just crush the cords?
How about banding? He's got pretty small testicles ( I think) for his size.
Any pros and cons ?
Thanks in advance!
I have used the ol tri bander on some that size. They had small ones. The amount of scrotum is the key to me. Have some one help. If you knife cut use he emasculator. Crush the vein well. I ahve also used surgical tubing on some Souhtdown sheep. Just got to make sure it is tight.

I would just cut the bottom of the sack off and pull the nuts till the cord breaks it will snap back like elastic and seal itself I have done 100's this way works fine.
Nobody can give you a smart answer for that without knowing how long your going to keep him. If your going to sell him anytime soon dont mess with him...but if your going to winter him..then go aheafd and cut him. But since youve waited this late Id go ahead and wait until after fly season. And CUTTING is done with a knife LOL
Since we're on this topic anyway.....

My bander broke when I was trying to castrate this one calf......and I never could catch him again after that. Now he weighs about 400 lbs.- is it too late to still band him? (I plan on selling him when he gets to be 500 lbs. or so)

I know my bands say "not recommended for animals over 250 lbs."
RichieMaGoo":moizr9ot said:
Since we're on this topic anyway.....

My bander broke when I was trying to castrate this one calf......and I never could catch him again after that. Now he weighs about 400 lbs.- is it too late to still band him? (I plan on selling him when he gets to be 500 lbs. or so)

I know my bands say "not recommended for animals over 250 lbs."

sell him as a bull. you wont lose much $.
i agree with JT. you wont lose much and it will likely be less than your time spent denutting and the calfs time recovering. less stress on both of you and he doesnt lose weight on your place. whoever buys him is going to rework him immediately anyway...
I use a big bander caled EZE bander for the past 3 years , we band our bulls after weaning and always had good results, they keep right on eating and it doesn't seem to bother them . We always give a tetanus shot.
I agree with Shorty, I also purchased EZE castrator about 3 months ago and have banded calves as large as 700 pounds without any problems. Doesnt seem to slow the calves down at all that I can see.
We've used one of those EZE banders for about 10 or 12 years now. After banding, I've seen quite a few larger bulls walk out of the barn, lay down and roll over on their sides for about a half hour or so. After that they don't pay any attention to it, must go numb or something. Just wouldn't recommend it during fly season.
We use Callicrate banders on anything we castrate. We have never had any problems. When you cut to castrate, they want to lie down a lot and they don't feel good. A lot of times they go off of the feed. With the Callicrate bander, they act like nothing ever happened.