castrate infection

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Feb 6, 2006
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Hello, I am new here. We've started a new venture. We raise 140 bucket calves at a time. We are on our 3rd herd running into some problems. Castrated 7 days ago, noticed two calves with swelled navals. Their stomaches seem to be waterlogged, as in hanging low. Don't know if it is a naval problem or from castration. Started them on 12cc amoxicillian. Appreciate any suggestions. Lost one calf to this same problem on last herd.
calves are are about 45 days old thanks hillside
Sounds like navel infection. If left untreated will most often turn into joint ill (not good).

We usually give ours a shot of Nuflor for this. Clears them up twice as fast as the Biomyacin used to do.

Take care and good luck with the calves.
Thank you Cattle Annie for your quick response. We appreciate it. We put them on nuflor last night, 5cc. Still wondering if we should lance because when they walk we hear fluid in stomach area. Stomach seems heavy, navals are swollen. Will nuflor alone solve the problem or do we need to do something more? Appreciate any response. Thanks Hillside
Finally got ahold of vet. He said sounded like urine is making the sloushing sound. Possible urinary tract infection or urinary stones. If sheath is gritty, stones & nothing can be done. Giving 15cc penicillian & 4cc dexamethasone. Was told to castrate earlier. Appreciate any imput. Thanks, Hillside's wife
Get your hands on 'em and have a feel. I had two calves come up with hernias last spring shortly after castrating -banding- them. Not sure why, but last year I had three or four calves with hernias and I don't recall ever having dealt with them before that. Few of my neighbors were also having an inordinate number of hernias...musta been something in the water. :lol:, don't lance them. Not unless you're certain there is not a hernia there. That would kill the calf.

Castrating earlier is easier on you and the animal, but it doesn't have to be done earlier. You can castrate 800lb bull calves if you want...but again, it is a whole lot easier on the animal to do them earlier.

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