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I did some reading threads but it has been a tough week. A good friend lost her husband and it has been tough. 59... he was a welder, got leukemia, was doing better, had surgery and then just went all to he// 2 days after. Funeral was Friday.
Worked a couple of days then had another farm with a big problem... screen on their laptop went black,,, and they had the vet coming and blood work to do and paperwork to ship out 40+ cows on Monday as they are cutting back after the help gave them a 2 week notice. Spent 2 trips to that farm to work with our computer support to get the stuff into the new computer she got, because with the rain the wi-fi wouldn't work right and could not get things downloaded...and you don't have cell service in the office in the barn.... grrr.... it was a nightmare.
Have had a couple of calves getting out through the barbed wire to graze along the road... fixed it and they managed to get out another spot... son had to run temporary woven wire on the inside... rented pasture, fences are not the greatest, owner won't re-fence which it desperately needs so you don't put alot into it.... then my longhorn seemingly had twins... son tagged one a couple days ago then saw her with a different untagged one so he surmised it was twins... but now she doesn't want the first one... so I had to catch it up today and get a bottle into it... he has seen it stealing off other just fresh heifers in there.... just been one thing after another... and got to get caught back up on a couple of farms I cancelled to be able to go spend time with the family and the service....

Got a nice fresh 2nd calf cow... jersey/hol that is an absolute JERK in the barn and I am trying to figure out how to get her to take this twin as she has enough milk for 3.... but she goes over gates in the barn... not mean just one of those... don't fence me in types.....and HATES to be alone in the barn but with another cow you can't work with her at all....GRRRRR.... would like to take her calf and lock it in the pen at the barn with the twin and maybe get her to come in for her baby and some grain???? Get the twin to go on her since it knows how to go around stealing???? Tomorrow is another day...
I did some reading threads but it has been a tough week. A good friend lost her husband and it has been tough. 59... he was a welder, got leukemia, was doing better, had surgery and then just went all to he// 2 days after. Funeral was Friday.
Worked a couple of days then had another farm with a big problem... screen on their laptop went black,,, and they had the vet coming and blood work to do and paperwork to ship out 40+ cows on Monday as they are cutting back after the help gave them a 2 week notice. Spent 2 trips to that farm to work with our computer support to get the stuff into the new computer she got, because with the rain the wi-fi wouldn't work right and could not get things downloaded...and you don't have cell service in the office in the barn.... grrr.... it was a nightmare.
Have had a couple of calves getting out through the barbed wire to graze along the road... fixed it and they managed to get out another spot... son had to run temporary woven wire on the inside... rented pasture, fences are not the greatest, owner won't re-fence which it desperately needs so you don't put alot into it.... then my longhorn seemingly had twins... son tagged one a couple days ago then saw her with a different untagged one so he surmised it was twins... but now she doesn't want the first one... so I had to catch it up today and get a bottle into it... he has seen it stealing off other just fresh heifers in there.... just been one thing after another... and got to get caught back up on a couple of farms I cancelled to be able to go spend time with the family and the service....

Got a nice fresh 2nd calf cow... jersey/hol that is an absolute JERK in the barn and I am trying to figure out how to get her to take this twin as she has enough milk for 3.... but she goes over gates in the barn... not mean just one of those... don't fence me in types.....and HATES to be alone in the barn but with another cow you can't work with her at all....GRRRRR.... would like to take her calf and lock it in the pen at the barn with the twin and maybe get her to come in for her baby and some grain???? Get the twin to go on her since it knows how to go around stealing???? Tomorrow is another day...
O no! I'm sorry to hear about your friend. Hope your holding her close. Way too young!

The rest sounds like normal around here! Does O no More work for that type of situation? Ive never used it. If she would just chill, all would probly work itself out.. Probly just too rambunctious of a cow. Maybe a lil larger pen where she don't feel so trapped? Pen another cow in a seperate pen next to her? Tie her to a tree!!

Certainly sounds like ya been busy!
If I could work with this stupid cow then I don't have any doubt I would get the calf grafted on since it is already stealing... but I can't work with this miserable witch.....

Yep, been a little busy..... Wish I could have your Brandy right about now !!!!🤞
🤬🤬🤬😡😡 that sorry witch......
If I could work with this stupid cow then I don't have any doubt I would get the calf grafted on since it is already stealing... but I can't work with this miserable witch.....

Yep, been a little busy..... Wish I could have your Brandy right about now !!!!🤞
🤬🤬🤬😡😡 that sorry witch......
Idk if it'd work, but remember that crazy white heifer that jumped in and out of the feed bunk in the trailer??

They tied her to a tree for a week or two!
The folks south of the border know what they are doing.

Haven't had an update recently, but from what I understand she don't jump anymore and anyone can pet her...
If I could work with this stupid cow then I don't have any doubt I would get the calf grafted on since it is already stealing... but I can't work with this miserable witch.....

Yep, been a little busy..... Wish I could have your Brandy right about now !!!!🤞
🤬🤬🤬😡😡 that sorry witch......
Good stiff dose of Rompun or Ace
Good stiff dose of Rompun or Ace
Name her Drowsy!
Drowsy the nurse cow. Love that!

Bessie does get a little excited when feed time comes. Gets a lil too close for my liking but never causes any issues aside from my personal space being invaded. I probly just put up with too much
Name her Drowsy!
Drowsy the nurse cow. Love that!

Bessie does get a little excited when feed time comes. Gets a lil too close for my liking but never causes any issues aside from my personal space being invaded. I probly just put up with too much
She earns her passes though😉
Or anything with white. Could be Hereford. My girls sometimes had a bit of white on their belly or udder because of their half-Hereford grandma (so they had 1/8th in them). For some reason, it was only the heifers that might get a splash of white on them. Just one bull calf (grandma cow's first boy) had a white "7" on his forehead. Guess what we named him? (Then we ATE him, LOL!)
Brandy has the routine down. Mostly. She's a bit awkward about coming in the pen. I gotta walk up to her with the bucket then she will follow me. She like to be close I guess. Idk. Kinda difficult when all the cows are up too!
No pics of Brandy but here's Lil 'Nuf
The two new ones are certainly much larger!!
And she is much older. Silly lil twin heifer. Her name fits.
Lil 'Nuf is growing up so fast! She really attacked that feed with mama.
Do I got somethin' in my nose?
Yes. Yes you do gurl.
Got it!
The red baldy, black baldy, and Lil 'Nuf are staying right with Brandy.
The 4th was wandering around lost today. I grabbed her and threw her in the pen with the 3rd I got for Bessie.
Bessie's 2 originals are out to pasture tonight like normal for the past few days. I'll let the 2 extras fill up on Bessie tonight and tmrw morning, then turn Bessie loose.
So with the super sucker bull calf, I have 3 extra calves.
I really need another nurse cow!

As an aside---
Some of y'alls may remember me talking about a cow I spent 3 weeks grafting a calf on after she lost hers. Well, that cow is about to calve any day and I bet she can raise 2. She look mini dexter sired to ya'll? 🤣
I was just discussing the situation with her. She didn't seem too keen....
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Congrats! And we're getting the same wind. Couple tins on the roof of the barn have come up. Guess who gets to crawl up there & fix it tomorrow? Well, assuming the wind dies down. Otherwise, ain't no way!
Not two hundred lbs of milk but still pretty impressive and in Oklahoma.

The complete lactation, begun at 6 years, 1 month of age, was 35,716 lbs. milk, 3,072 lbs. fat, and 1,382 lbs. protein (94 DCR). Based upon federal order pricing, the gross dollar value of the lactation was $11,042.

Owned by Logan and Autumn Courtney of Chouteau, Okla., the Excellent-90% daughter of BW Renegade-ET was bred by Lyon Jerseys, Toledo, Io