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Well-known member
Jun 8, 2006
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Deland, FL.
Okay my steer had a real bad case of bloat. whole left side knotted up and everything and we took him off feed and fed hay three days straight, knot went down but his left side still is bigger and when i push on it i can feel the air. So my question is i'm goin to give him vegetable oil but how much do i give him and how do i give it to him? i know it's orally but do i shove a tube down his throat or do i just use like a coke bottle and tip his head up?
Your animal sure seems to be having a bit of a problem with bloating. Are you feeding him moldy hay, too much grain or what?

Not trying to be mean.
You may just have a Chronic Bloater. If that's the case, the best thing to do is get rid of him.

If you will only show him once, and it's a terminal show where they load on the trailer as they walk out the ring, there is one other option. You can stick a knife in his side right as he enters the ring.
(I actually know of this happening once years ago at the Hanging Judge. The Steer was Grand Champion, and probably died before he got to the Slaughterhouse)
No i don't think he's a chronic bloater the problem is that he bloated really bad like 2 weeks ago and we didn't know what to do so we took him off of grain and gave him hay for three days thinking it would clean out his system. Well sure enough after two days the knot on his left side went away but his left side is still swollen sorta it's definetly sticks out more than his right but the weird thing is that he has an appettite and is cleaning up about 20 pounds a day know. When i press on his left side though above his ribs and where the knot was i feel an air pocket or something? What should i do? My ag teacher told me to take about a 16 oz. coke bottle fill it up with vegetable oil and shove it down his throat and that should clear it up but i wanted to get your guys opinion first because lets just say my ag teacher isn't the brightest lol :lol:
Bez?":2p5yba3r said:
cowboy13":2p5yba3r said:
Mineral oil would be better. I do think you have a chronic bloater also. You are at the point of no return on him, so add mineral oil to his feed to help keep him from bloating.

DO NOT stand behind him when he coughs.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
okay well they say when an animal is bloat that he will not eat or drink and that he will kick at his belly and breathe heavily well he's not doing any of that and his bloat hasn't went down so COWBOY13 how is he a chronic bloater if i haven't even got rid of the first case of bloat???? I can see that he could be a chronic bloater if i cleared the bloat up and he bloated again but if you read the post it says that the knot went down but the swelling on his left side didn't we didn't ever treat the bloat in the first case. I NEVER TREATED THE BLOAT SO HOW IS HE A CHRONIC BLOATER!!!!!!!
showkid1200":1z4s83rx said:
okay well they say when an animal is bloat that he will not eat or drink and that he will kick at his belly and breathe heavily well he's not doing any of that and his bloat hasn't went down so COWBOY13 how is he a chronic bloater if i haven't even got rid of the first case of bloat???? I can see that he could be a chronic bloater if i cleared the bloat up and he bloated again but if you read the post it says that the knot went down but the swelling on his left side didn't we didn't ever treat the bloat in the first case. I NEVER TREATED THE BLOAT SO HOW IS HE A CHRONIC BLOATER!!!!!!!

I suspect it was just a thought - not an accusation.

I will step back now before you start yelling at me. I am too old to be yelled at anymore.


No bez i'mk not yelling at anyone i just want to know why cowboy says i'm at the point of no return when i said in my post that the knot went down but there is still swelling so i guess i should justify that what i was trying to say is that the bloat was not all the way cleared up but i thought i satated that in the second reply but i guess they didn't see that. i just don't understand how they can say i have a chronic bloater when he's only had one case of bloat i just don't know how to clear it up i thought getting rid of the huge knot was clearing it up but my ag teacher said that it just went severe to moderate bloat so how do i treat it besides mineral oil?
okay cowboy but what i'm trying to tell you is that i never treated him for bloat so how do you know he is a chronic bloater? we never used any type of bloat drench or any type of oil or anything
showkid1200":1j98lnm9 said:
No bez i'mk not yelling at anyone i just want to know why cowboy says i'm at the point of no return when i said in my post that the knot went down but there is still swelling so i guess i should justify that what i was trying to say is that the bloat was not all the way cleared up but i thought i satated that in the second reply but i guess they didn't see that. i just don't understand how they can say i have a chronic bloater when he's only had one case of bloat i just don't know how to clear it up i thought getting rid of the huge knot was clearing it up but my ag teacher said that it just went severe to moderate bloat so how do i treat it besides mineral oil?

Point of no return - you have this animal coming along and cannot exchange it if required - not enough time.

As for bloat - it is highly misunderstood. And yes there are some animals that are susceptable to this problem.

Lets go for the juglar on this one.

How do you know for sure it is / is not bloat in the first place.

When did you last consult the veterinarian about this animal and it's problem?

It is easy to get wrapped around the axles about things that are said n the boards - and I am old enough to be your grandpa so I know what I say is true.

In the end you can ask for all sorts of advice and often we can respond in a timely manner with accurate and solid advice.

But quite often - in fact usually - when you ask others about medical info - we - the responders - are only capable of giving an opinion. After all we are not there to physically examine the animal. And even if we were there, it is highly likely we would not be able to do the things necessary for a real good diagnosis. Blood tets, cultures, etc.

So when you get advice that does not always seem to agree with your own thoughts you might remember that we usually do have your best interest at heart.

No sense getting to the point you are prepared to stand and fight. The poster might be wrong and the poster might be right. And the same goes for you as well.

:D As I write this I realize it would not be so bad if others - including myself - took this advice. :D

You may get lots of advice - but when it comes to medical stuff - unless it is dead simple - I get the animal doc in. If necessary I also get a second or third opinion.

Remember - opinions are like butt holes - we all have them. But you are the only person who can make a decision that will stick - it IS your animal.

If you have not had an animal doc come in - you might consider this. If you have and it was not stisfactory - call in another. They are not Gods - they are human - just like us and prone to error.

I will stop lecturing. If you were to follow my posts you would see that I am not a big fan of shows - but I am a huge fan of youth getting involved in the ag world.

Good luck - even if you finish dead last in every class you enter - do your best, learn from each event and be proud of what you have done.

My best,

okay well thank you cowboy i was't trying to get mad i was just trying to justify that he hadn't been treated for bloat yet and also how much mineral oil should i give him? i don't have a drench gun so i was gonna use a coke bottle holds up to 20oz.?
thank you bez i do see where your coming from and i'm just so frustrated about this whole issue especially with what i've been through in the past couple of weeks with this steer. I will definetly take your thoughts into mind. :D
drenching mineral oil works, i've heard to also walk em on a hill with their head high, i've also heard about putting sprinkling tide in their feed, also heard about putting a stick across their mouth to open the mouth and make em belch.. you said he eats 20 pounds of feed.. did you put him on hay for 3 days and after that gave him all that feed? that will make him bloat pretty good. gradually increase it.. not just give it all at one time after getting nothing but hay.
oh no we gave him hay for three days the started out with about 5 pound the gradually worke him up and know he's cleaning up 20 pounds a day we worke him up about 2-3 pounds a day
Just a thought.
We have used baking soda for bloat. We also set a bowl of baking soda out if they need it they will eat it.
We are also in the learning period of live. ;-)
yeah i heard of that before i think i'm gonna give the mineral oilthing a try if that doesn't work then i'll try the baking soda
showkid1200":35htxv9m said:
oh no we gave him hay for three days the started out with about 5 pound the gradually worke him up and know he's cleaning up 20 pounds a day we worke him up about 2-3 pounds a day

I think you took him back up too fast. (if I am reading your post correctly) Keep in mind (for future reference) that it takes a ruminate animal 4-7 days for their rumen to get used to a change in feed; in this case 'upping' his grain. Do it gradually. If fair isn't that far away, do it 1/2 to 1 lb a day, 2-3 just might be too much for him after recovering from a bad bloat.

Good Luck ;-)

~Britani~ 8)

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