> Probably not to silly, but too
> hard! The 1, 2 and 3 are the
> estimated yield grades for
> slaughter cattle. They also apply
> the same grades to feeders. The
> feeders yield grade frequently
> change as they grow. That's why I
> like to buy 2 and 3 feeders. You
> not only add weight over the next
> several months, but the grade may
> well move up. If you buy 1's there
> is nowhere to go but down. Buy
> low, sell high.
Thank you Mike! So that's it. It's amazing that the yield grades can be estimated on a live animal!!! I understand that fat thickness, % kidney, pelvic and heart fat, hot carcass wt., and rib eye size go into that. Amazing that a person can estimate it. Thanks again for the reply.
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