Beef Judge

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red angus shower":3von3mwe said:
Is that the inside of your barn Show Steer?
No thats a fair picture, it sure would have been nice though :lol:

This is the inside of the barn today



The barn is getting there, if you go to the cooler barn thread you can get the whole story. But as you can see I am a slave driver :lol:
I agree with you on the hair thing. The only thing I don't get is this. (Happened a couple years ago, too old to show 4-H now) I have had the great luck of being able to put a red angus breeding heifer in a cooler for the summer (May to fair time). I bought her specifically for show, and paid a pretty penny for her out of my own pocket. I rinsed every morning, put in conditioner, and she stayed there from before the sun came up until at least 10 pm. Obviously angus don't have great hair, but she had about 2-3 inches of it when all said and done and it had a nice pop to it, so it didn't lay down. I also lucked out, a pro-fitter was in town working on a friend of mine's calf so I took her over to their place and he clipped her up for the show. Show day came and since I am not the greatest fitter in the world, so I had another 4-Her help me fit. I go in for showmanship (and not to sound conceited, I have won showmanship at various levels) and do my thing. I ended up being picked to win, but the judge still had the nerve to say that my heifer needed more hair, and it wouldn't have been as close of a selection if she had more. The kid who got reserve had a steer out of Kadabra, tons of hair. I think in showmanship the hair shouldn't be emphasisized, especially when you are trying to pick between a kid showing a clubby steer and a kid showing a PB breeding heifer, and the breed being one that doesn't particularly grow hair well. 2 steers, fine. End rant.. :D

Your barn looks nice! I love having the kids help with it, too many now a days have mommy and daddy do it all for them.
I feel that's what makes showmanship so fun.
You have to convince the judge beyond a doubt that you and only you should win.
Now we all have our likes and dislikes so you have to be perfect. So if your animal lacks in coat, wow them with your showing. If the kid next to you is just as good and you cant convince the judge your better, then I say to bad, better luck next time.
Also listen to the judges reasons. I just saw my daughter show in Tucson a few months ago. Now showmanship has always meant to me....How you and the animal do in the ring that moment at that time.
The judge places the class and my daughter is in 3rd place. Now I know it's my kid but I do try to look at all the angles and not play favorites. But I'm puzzled, I can understand 2nd but 3rd.
My thinking at this point is that she blew it on the questions. No big deal, Ill help her with that for next time. When the judge gave the reasons I was shocked.
He said he placed the girl in 1st place, she is a very good showman and I have seen her in and out of the ring with different animals all day and she has done a fine job on all of them, so she is the winner.
His second place kid was almost about the same thing, a lot of times in and out of the ring. By this time I'm thinking she got a raw deal, but at least I know who won the class.
The judge gives his reasons on my daughter....He looks her straight in the face and says. I have to say one thing about this girl in third place here in the blue, "phenomenal" and he points at her and repeats it even louder 'Phenomenal". I just about hit the floor, the entire crowd is now giving her a standing ovation. I'm crying, she doesn't know what the word means and is very embarrassed and my son is sitting there saying "WOW".

This is showmanship after the judge was walking to the microphone


Now you tell me, she didn't win. But I am more proud of that third place ribbon than I am of her Grand Champion trophy. His reason for placing her third, he only saw her once in the ring that day and her animal looked a little tired.
It's one persons opinion, that day that second and if you came out of that ring and felt you should have won maybe under another judge thing would have been different, but my mind would have been on how I could beat them next time and I would study the video footage and critique it myself. If after that I still felt I lost only because of the coat, I would figure out how to get a better coat next year. I myself place a lot on coat but that is only icing for me but if your competition has it you better have a better one or be one heck of a showman

Now in your case the judge said the class was very close, he placed you ahead of the person who had a better coat. That says volumes to me, you did one heck of a job to pass that kid and take first. What the judge was also saying is.... if your animal had a better coat like the kids animal in second then there would have been no competition. Same playing field, even in animal quality but your a better showman by a long shot. It was actually a real good compliment, I think. :clap:
I hope that helped

If I were judging, the skill of the showman first, then the coat would make for a good tie breaker
I had something happen to me when I was 16 in a handlers comp. My school didn't have enough leather halters so when the junior girls came out, they were supposed to come to us so we could swap our hackamores and put on the halters... They didn't come. So another girl and I had to go into the class sporting rope halters. I didn't get a place but I went to the judge to ask her how I did and she said this "You were by far the best parader in the ring but I couldn't place you because you didn't have a show halter on."


needless to say I was very angry with the younger girls. I did however go onto another competition at that show to win first prize in another handling comp at that show, over the acclaimed daughter of the breeder I borrowed the bull off! He won't let me use their cattle any more though...
:clap: :clap: :clap: Bravo!

That to me says more than that ribbon could have ever said.
You can't put a price on that, you did your job so good they now hate your gutts..........Bravo :clap: :clap: :lol: :lol: :lol: Stuff like that makes my day. :cowboy: And all you ever did was your job :lol2: :lol2: :lol2:
That's a riot. :D

One thing I love the most about the fair... is the whole dysfunctional fair family reunion.
It's such a blast, only fair people can enjoy such madness. I just love it :lol: :lol: :lol:

Hay guys I have to go to bed, have a great night :tiphat:
Haha red angus shower, I feel your pain. It sucks when purebred animals that have no club calf in their pedigrees are compared to the hairy ones, on hair alone. It's not fair, oh well. Just have to make sure what the calf lacks in hair, gains in everything else.
show steer up":irxpi5of said:
:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

and hope like heck the comp. is counting on coat alone :lol:
haha, i :heart: when they do that. then the judge touches the calf and sees there's 4 inches of hair and nothing else and tries not to make a face. priceless...

Oh gosh, that's what happened to my daughter in Tucson when she won grand a few months ago.
She had been trying to beat this red steer of our friend for months. We all know which animal is the best but can't get past his 4in coat. When that judge finally went over and touched "Star" you could see his eyes light up. People started to clap and the crowd was chatting away.
"Look he's going over to the red one.............I wonder if that's all hair..................well find out."

It was so much fun, The judge went over to the red steer and his hand sank and sank and sank. the judge looked over at Star for one last look and then slapped her steer on the back. What a heck of a great time
Good for your daughter :clap: . It should be mandatory for all market animals to be touched. It would eliminate a lot of controversy over who had the better calf.
This was a jackpot or what we call beauty contest.
I don't know why they don't touch the prospect animals. No judge has ever felt their hind quarter through their winter coats until then. As far as I'm concerned they should.
Maybe I just don't understand what a jackpot is all about :? If it's a steer and you're judging were it will end up eventually, why not feel through the coat even at the young ages they are showing.
I don't know , just wondering.

My friend and I would laugh, she would say "well I guess we got it this time" because the judge would not feel the animals. When that judge felt "Star" she looked over at me with a smile and a thumb's up. That started the water works on me :cry2: :cry2: :cry2:
show steer up":1ebs0cdv said:
This was a jackpot or what we call beauty contest.
I don't know why they don't touch the prospect animals. No judge has ever felt their hind quarter through their winter coats until then. As far as I'm concerned they should.
Maybe I just don't understand what a jackpot is all about :? If it's a steer and you're judging were it will end up eventually, why not feel through the coat even at the young ages they are showing.
I don't know , just wondering.

My friend and I would laugh, she would say "well I guess we got it this time" because the judge would not feel the animals. When that judge felt "Star" she looked over at me with a smile and a thumb's up. That started the water works on me :cry2: :cry2: :cry2:
I'm assuming your jackpots are like the prospect shows around here, when you show them in the spring/early summer. For the most part, the judges here judge the animals according "as of today, who is the most market ready" and if there is a close pair, then they feel. The County fairs, state fairs, etc. around here all handle the top half of the line-up before making a final decision.

My mom started tearing up when I won state fair my last year of eligibility. So embarassing, lol :oops: .
I'm on the Iowa/Minnesota border. I've lived in Nebraska and South Dakota too.
show steer up":3vth29zg said:
do you have any pic's :D
i wish, i swear i'm going to throw my computer out the window one of these days. all my pics are on either cds or jump drives, and my @#1^ing computer won't read them for some reason. i'm trying to work on it today, nothing better to do. hopefully i can get some up soon.