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Well like they say life's tough. It's even tougher if your stupid or lazy and darned near impossible if you are both.

I guess that's where the Great Society comes into play!
3waycross":25t2jd55 said:
Well like they say life's tough. It's even tougher if your stupid or lazy and darned near impossible if you are both.

I guess that's where the Great Society comes into play!

The Great Society is the reason Social Security is in trouble today.
Thank's to LBJ ripping the lid off the SS box and pouring the money into the general fund.
Caustic Burno":1nruveen said:
3waycross":1nruveen said:
Well like they say life's tough. It's even tougher if your stupid or lazy and darned near impossible if you are both.

I guess that's where the Great Society comes into play!

The Great Society is the reason Social Security is in trouble today.
Thank's to LBJ ripping the lid off the SS box and pouring the money into the general fund.

is there an echo in here?
gimpyrancher":3c9ff7em said:

> I also remember how much money we had in the SS fund before LBJ raided it in order to pay for the Great Society scam that only served to make welfare artists out of millions of people.

That explains how 98% of the wealth now lays in the pockets of the 1%. Darn those welfare recipients! They ruin everything!

I'm sorry, I forgot, what is the definition of redistribution? :deadhorse:

I agree gimpy, I get pretty dang PO'd when I look at how some of the money is redistributed from the low and middle class into the pockets of those like Warren Buffet (owner of BNSF railroad) who is capitalizing off of Obama's decision to not authorize a little known pipeline to cross America from Canada and employ thousands of honest laborers.

http://www.businessinsider.com/warren-b ... bet-2013-1

or George Kaiser who benefited from millions of the green energy scam. Maybe someone can help me out, how many people does Solyndra employ?

http://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2012/06 ... ust-video/

http://townhall.com/columnists/donaldla ... page/full/

The problem is NOT taxation. The problem is unfair regulation (pretty much federal regulation) and misuse of tax dollars.

It is assinine to gripe about unfair taxation and then give billionairs a free ride on the backs of the poor and then turn around and give them a loop hole to jump through again. If someone makes a bunch of money in fair trade, good for them. We don't need to penalize them. Let them pay their percentage just like me.

CB, I agree about greed being the root of all evil. Heard something the other day that made sense. The last commandement,
You must not covet your neighbor's house. You must not covet your neighbor's wife, male or female servant, ox or donkey, or anything else that belongs to your neighbor.
was likely left to the last for a reason. It pretty much covers the rest of the them.
gimper, did you mean Duesenberg? Duesenberg introduced the model J chassis (body not included) in Dec. 1928, having built less than 500 when they ceased production in 1936. They where not everywhere. The Federal gubment did not authorize any spending on road infrastructure until 1925. Prior to that, most roads were privately funded (think U.S. Rubber, Goodyear, etc.) US tax rate in 1929 was 24%, 1930-31 was 25%. The 90% number is from the Bolshevik book on the coffee table. cheers!
I thought the 90% meant they contributed 90% of the total taxes revieved. Its still up there like that now. Those 1% of people contribute like %60 or %65 of all the taxes collected. People always forget that although guys like Mit Romney only pay 6% or what ever. They contribute more in a couple years than most people will in their life time. So who's really not pulling their weight? ;-)
orton":nqb76blp said:
gimper, did you mean Duesenberg? Duesenberg introduced the model J chassis (body not included) in Dec. 1928, having built less than 500 when they ceased production in 1936. They where not everywhere. The Federal gubment did not authorize any spending on road infrastructure until 1925. Prior to that, most roads were privately funded (think U.S. Rubber, Goodyear, etc.) US tax rate in 1929 was 24%, 1930-31 was 25%. The 90% number is from the Bolshevik book on the coffee table. cheers!

The 90% rate is just as real as today's rates. But just as today, people in the higher income brackets used every allowable deduction and tool available to lower net taxable income and reduce these taxes tremendously thus net affect was that few if any paid at that rate.

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