As if the drought wasn't enough to worry about....

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Well-known member
Jul 17, 2006
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South Georgia
With a 7.5" deficit since January, the pastures and fields are hurting for moisture. As if this wasn't enough to worry about, we have had to deal with an arsonist who has been using these dry times to fuel his addiction for fire. The sad thing is, we have known who he was for quite some time. He has burned down two or three houses and was even arrested by a deputy running from one house just before it was engulfed in flames. (DA let him go due to lack of evidence.) He has been arrested for manufacturing meth, growing pot, theft, writing bad checks, assault and much much more. He has a list of outstanding warrants on him but for some reason the powers that be, allow him to run the streets so he can get "counselling" and visit a government run methadone clinic each morning.

The following pics will give you a glimpse of my world and what this little POS did to it.

Entering one of the lots. If you sit here a bit, you're bound to see some deer cross the road. Have seen as many as 30 here.


Not to many neighbors or cars out here.


Well maybe the boy is just misunderstood. Surely it didn't hurt that much!


A salvage cut of one of the burn sites. At this age, all you can do is grind the trees into chips. YOU betcha, getting top dollar for this! :mad:

And we'll get a pretty penny for this as well. :mad:

And for this! (Same site different view) :mad:

In two weeks time, he set over six fires ruining most everything it burned. Last fire he set was last week but he got caught coming out of the woods by a friend of mine. Tag truck and description matched other sightings but sheriff's office said they were "too busy" to go arrest him. Thankfully, state officials entered the picture and kicked his door in last Wednesday. Friend with a big foot said it was the nastiest house (trailer) he'd ever been in. (Said he would have wet his pants before using the bathroom in the house - and lilpyro has two children.) Inside they found a weapon which should have put lil' pyro in prison due to his many felony charges. But since he has never seen the inside of a courtroom - due to counselling and "intervention" - he was not a "convicted felon". Oh almost forgot, before ever mentioning the charges, Pyro says, "why are you arresting me? I didn't start all those fires."

By the way, you won't read this in the papers since DADDY owns the paper. And he probably won't see a day in jail since his attorney - a salaried state attorney who works for DEFAX - who also has a private practice - has taken his case and is best friends and drinking buddies with the best circuit judge money can buy.

On the bright side, his bail has been refused by another judge and they don't give out methadone in our jail - I think you probably just have to buy the real stuff from our sheriff.

The little POS should be thankful I didn't catch him. As you could see, there ain't too many folks out our way and Alley loves a free dinner every now and then.

Oh, and since lil'pyro has been going through withdrawals in his jail cell - there ain't been another fire! :idea:

I'm sorry to have been so long-winded but I had to vent a bit since I can't talk too much about this around here due to the pending case and all. But in venting on the board I just realized the IRONY of all of this. First of all, most of the timber in these pictures was clearcut a few years ago to pay the "death tax" to fund the government agencies which "serve" you and I. Lil'Pyro doesn't have a job and is drawing more "services" than you or I will ever know. The justice system, has excluded "him" from the rules and standards you and I are held to - for whatever reason. An employee for the state who is paid with our tax dollars to protect Families and Children will be allowed to "moonlight" and will most likely get the charges dropped or reduced on this POS so he can go home and raise his children to be ......

I sure wish I could have fed Alley last Wednesday!
That is just terrible. Is there some sort of insurance that can be put on timber? That first picture is beautiful.

We don't need people like that guy running free. You can't help someone if they don't want help. There are some that are just evil and don't want to change.

Who is Alley?
Alley is a mamma gator that comes to an isolated pond (whale waller) on our property each year to raise her young. She is pretty big and Lord only knows how old. I feed her deer carcuses and sometimes dead calves. Just lay them on the bank and they are gone the next morning. My daughter named her - Alley aka Alley-gator.

Yes, you can buy insurance for fire but it is not really practical or affordable in our situation. Just never realized someone could be so evil. (I say evil cause my friend said there was devil grafitti written on the walls inside his house.) I mean this guy is something else and I hope they put him away. He is facing 4 counts of felony arson and 1 count of misdemeanor arson. This adds up to 40 years in prison if the system works the way it should.
Too bad he didn't try to set fire around Alley's nest while she was on guard.

I hate that there are kids involved. Maybe someone will take them and raise them right.

Sounds like you are a gators best friend. At the same time you have a pretty good trash disposal. Cool.
Mr. Jo, if they turn that worm loose again, the men of the area might want to watch him to make sure that he doesn't "run into some of the trees in that area" and bruise himself up a bit!
Cabo":1lpt5rt7 said:
Mr. Jo, if they turn that worm loose again, the men of the area might want to watch him to make sure that he doesn't "run into some of the trees in that area" and bruise himself up a bit!

Cabo, you are a wise man! Pyro-Boy finally had his day in court. His attorney pleabargained and he confessed. How much time do you think he got? Keep in mind he killed 565 acres of 20 year old planted pine which equates to $765,000 in nonrecoverable damages. Not to mention the $165,000 its going to cost to clear and replant the land. Take a guess at how much he is going to get. I'll give my prized goat to one that guess the closest. :lol:
Fred":23dcpb4x said:
Can people get insurance against fire damage to their trees?

Yes but its cost prohibitive.

He got 2 years behind bars. Also, the boy who caught him setting the fires is not going to be able to collect the reward money cause there was "no conviction". They are also going to drop the other 30 felony warrants for drugs, attempted murder, assault, robbery and who knows what else. These warrants were out on him prior to his arson crusade.

They also never charged him for burning down a house when the police caught him coming out the window then the house went up in flames cause no one saw him light the match. Circumstantial evidence. :roll:

You know, I should have sent PETA some pictures of the hogs and the deer with the burnt hooves. I bet they would have him on death row right now.

If this ever happens again and I have anything to do with it, I assure you, I will let the law identify and arrest the person and I will then drop the charges and have him released.
I luv herfrds":v1pkbr0w said:
Good Lord Jo.
Sorry to see all of that. I bet Ally could do with a new friend. ;-)

I was thinking the same thing but that might be too good for him.Sure is a dang shame joe.


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