Ag secretary spars with R-CALF

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Ag secretary spars with R-CALF

Knight Ridder News

June 2, 2005

O'NEILL, Neb. - Standing before more than 100 local farm and ranch families, the national president of R-CALF tells the group he is a "middle of the road" rancher and not a radical.

But in the past few weeks, Agriculture Secretary Mike Johanns has characterized Leo McDonnell's group as isolationists who are confused about their own message and who use lawsuits to push their agenda.

"When you look at Canada, you are looking at a multibillion-dollar issue," McDonnell said later. "Our opposition certainly isn't going to send flowers."

He has seen the Billings-based Ranchers-Cattlemen's Action Legal Fund, which he helped found, draw increasing criticism, especially since its lawsuit locked down a plan by the U.S. Department of Agriculture to resume live cattle imports from Canada.

The organization says its membership is growing, up about 3,000 this year to 15,000.

McDonnell operates one of the nation's largest bull testing and sale businesses near Columbus. Married with four children, he also feeds cattle and owns ranchland in Montana and South Dakota.

He spoke recently at a dinner and charity auction in the memory of Tom Whitehill of O'Neill, the group's Nebraska membership chairman. Whitehill, who died of cancer last fall, helped enlist more than 300 members in Holt County, the most of any county in Nebraska.

The O'Neill fundraiser collected $28,000 for R-CALF. Such auctions, typically at sale barns, have become R-CALF's preferred method of fundraising.

"That's unprecedented in our industry," McDonnell said. "You can't tell me a time before when rural America has come to that level of fundraising."

The border closure helped R-CALF gain in influence among cattle producers, boosting its membership enough to add a new staff member to its Billings office.

The United States closed its border to live cattle in May 2003 after a case of bovine spongiform encephalopathy, or mad cow disease, was found in Canada. Another case from a Canadian-born animal was found in the United States later that year, prompting some other countries to quit buying U.S. beef.

Last January, the USDA moved to reopen the border to live cattle even as Canada found two more cases. Meatpackers want Canadian cattle because a shortage of U.S.-raised animals has created two years of high prices. But R-CALF won a temporary court order keeping the border closed.

If R-CALF doesn't challenge the USDA's decision on live Canadian cattle, McDonnell said, no one will.

"We're going to become a dumping ground for food products from countries known to have (mad cow disease) that every other modern country has banned," he said.

A federal court hearing on the issue is set for late July in Montana. The USDA and other cattle groups also have asked the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals to let Canadian imports resume.

Over the past month, Johanns has increasingly singled out R-CALF in statements, criticizing the group for its efforts to keep the Canadian border closed. Johanns said suing the government shouldn't be the solution to every problem.

"I really think their message is, 'We want to isolate our country,' " he said. R-CALF seems to file lawsuits whenever an issue doesn't go its way, he said.

Johanns said he was frustrated with the pace of the legal proceedings, so he scheduled a summit to spur discussion about the science of mad cow disease. The meeting will be June 9 at the University of Minnesota in St. Paul.

McDonnell said he believes Johanns "has been given some bad advice," particularly by former members of the National Cattlemen's Beef Association now on the staff of the USDA.

"We're not going to return the same tones he did to us," McDonnell said.

The list of those invited to testify includes most major beef and meatpacking trade groups, as well as dairy producers, the National Association of State Directors of Agriculture and the World Organization for Animal Health from Paris.

While some congressmen have suggested opening the Canadian border through legislation, McDonnell is confident that won't happen. The main reason, he said, is that Congress doesn't want to draw attention to the issue because of the volume of beef imports.

"If you don't have mandatory country-of-origin labeling, you damned sure aren't going to make a big deal about all the beef coming down, are you?" McDonnell said. "USDA is aware of that."

The Billings Gazette
I would certainly question RCALF's claims about their membership numbers. We received a free membership last year from someone I don't even know! I wonder how many of those 15,000 are actually dues paying members :?:

As long as RCALF stands beside groups that are publicly questioning the safety of the beef supply in this county, they won't get any support from me.
Frankie":1xc9yshs said:
We received a free membership last year from someone I don't even know!
That's a really low-down thing for somebody to do, Frankie. I feel your pain and humiliation.

Frankie":1xc9yshs said:
As long as RCALF stands beside groups that are publicly questioning the safety of the beef supply in this county, they won't get any support from me.
Very well said, Frankie! At the very least, they should have admitted that was a mistake. Instead, they continue to try to justify it. Pitiful.
Cattle Rack Rancher":y6ozhyh5 said:
That's quite an organization if they have to force the memberships on you just so they can claim higher membership numbers. :roll:

I guess I could have called and asked my name be removed from their member rolls, but I was interested in reading their newsletters. RCALF just doesn't seem to be an issue in my part of the country and I wanted to know more than I read at The literature they've sent so far hasn't inspired me to offer them any support. But every time I see someone bragging about their membership, I have this nagging thought as to how many of them are paid members and how many are like me?
Cattle Rack Rancher":3h68m73r said:
That's quite an organization if they have to force the memberships on you just so they can claim higher membership numbers. :roll:

Like NCBA has done for years- in order to belong to your state stockgrowers you would have to join NCBA...Or in many cases certain feeders or buyers would not buy your cattle or let you feed in their feedlot until you joined NCBA- pay your dues right with the bill or consignment check.....With the coming of R-CALF much of this coerced membership has ended in our area and contributes to NCBA's huge decline in membership....

Frankie at least with your R-CALF membership you have a chance to vote on their policy and direction--1 member 1 vote- mailed out...Unlike NCBA where only those on the board or those that can afford to attend all the conventions develop policy......
Frankie":chhxg2i8 said:
As long as RCALF stands beside groups that are publicly questioning the safety of the beef supply in this county, they won't get any support from me.

Frankie- I'm kind of in the same boat- just behind a different oar- I can't support NCBA as long as they oppose M-COOL and stand behind the packers in the huge fraud they do by passing off imported meat to consumers as a US product- I have pride in US Beef and want to see it identified....

NCBA's undying backing of the USDA while they bent and broke rules to expedite the opening of the border to Canadian beef which is still a questionable risk factor to consumers and the US cattle herd has also left me with a bad taste-- All the time while fighting to keep consumers from making the final decision on whether they want to eat imported (Canadian) beef or US Beef.....Require all imported beef to be labeled......
Oldtimer":1ovwdnc0 said:
Cattle Rack Rancher":1ovwdnc0 said:
That's quite an organization if they have to force the memberships on you just so they can claim higher membership numbers. :roll:

Like NCBA has done for years- in order to belong to your state stockgrowers you would have to join NCBA...Or in many cases certain feeders or buyers would not buy your cattle or let you feed in their feedlot until you joined NCBA- pay your dues right with the bill or consignment check.....With the coming of R-CALF much of this coerced membership has ended in our area and contributes to NCBA's huge decline in membership....

Frankie at least with your R-CALF membership you have a chance to vote on their policy and direction--1 member 1 vote- mailed out...Unlike NCBA where only those on the board or those that can afford to attend all the conventions develop policy......

I think you are missing the point. If the 'American Gay Rights Association' gives you a free membership and then claims they have strong support from their members in Montana and that membership in Montana is growing all the time, don't you think there would be something wrong with that? I am, of course, assuming that's not your cup of tea.
Oldtimer":2uy50hbi said:
Like NCBA has done for years- in order to belong to your state stockgrowers you would have to join NCBA...Or in many cases certain feeders or buyers would not buy your cattle or let you feed in their feedlot until you joined NCBA- pay your dues right with the bill or consignment check.....With the coming of R-CALF much of this coerced membership has ended in our area and contributes to NCBA's huge decline in membership....

That's a problem with your state association and if you join it and get enough members to agree, you can stop it. Don't feed in those lots if they require you belong to a certain group. We've been members of Oklahoma Cattlemens Assn for years, long before RCALF came around and have never had an NCBA membership. As I said, RCALF isn't an issue around here as far as I know. I've never heard their name mentioned in our county cattlemens meeting. I wonder if the "huge decline in membership..." is as accurate as the claim that RCALF is "representing" so many cattlemen?

Frankie at least with your R-CALF membership you have a chance to vote on their policy and direction--1 member 1 vote- mailed out...Unlike NCBA where only those on the board or those that can afford to attend all the conventions develop policy......

I don't remember getting anything to vote on the lawsuit currently going on. Did you, an RCALF member, get a ballot to vote on that particular move? If so, when? Personally, I'd rather both groups just leave me alone. But if I have to decide, I'll choose NCBA. At least they aren't parterning with people who are claiming beef is unsafe. They aren't in the same boat as people who would kill the beef checkoff.
Cattle Rack Rancher":2pevayox said:
Oldtimer":2pevayox said:
Cattle Rack Rancher":2pevayox said:
That's quite an organization if they have to force the memberships on you just so they can claim higher membership numbers. :roll:

Like NCBA has done for years- in order to belong to your state stockgrowers you would have to join NCBA...Or in many cases certain feeders or buyers would not buy your cattle or let you feed in their feedlot until you joined NCBA- pay your dues right with the bill or consignment check.....With the coming of R-CALF much of this coerced membership has ended in our area and contributes to NCBA's huge decline in membership....

Frankie at least with your R-CALF membership you have a chance to vote on their policy and direction--1 member 1 vote- mailed out...Unlike NCBA where only those on the board or those that can afford to attend all the conventions develop policy......

I think you are missing the point. If the 'American Gay Rights Association' gives you a free membership and then claims they have strong support from their members in Montana and that membership in Montana is growing all the time, don't you think there would be something wrong with that? I am, of course, assuming that's not your cup of tea.

Cattlerac- I'll bet you there are many more R-CALF members in Montana now than NCBA- and increasing daily on their own initiative- 99% were not "FORCED" like the NCBA has done for years- many have seen what NAFTA and "free trade" can do to a state or a localized industry- and if CAFTA and FTOAA come to be, Canadians will too...Many that are NCBA members are only because of the NCBA's land and tax issue support- they feel they have lost perspective on the trade issues and representation of the cowman... As far as Frankies issue- if he would e-mail R-CALF or PM me, I'm sure we could have his name removed from membership....Beyond that, I'll never convince you, but my battle is not against Canadians- its against the packers and retailers ability to take imported cheap beef, put a USDA stamp on it and pass it off to US consumers and consumers of the world as a product of the U.S.A.- Outright Fraud- I have always wondered why US cattle producers can support any organization (NCBA)that is not proud enough of their product (cattle and beef) to label it...Canadians ride on the shirttails of a US industry that many have spent lifetimes and generations to develop- all at the profit of the multinational packers.....If not, Canada would have been and might possibly be (if not for the BSE issues) shipping beef around the world.. Just like Montana- you raise top quality cattle- Just that no one knows about it- it has always been sold to them with a USDA stamp as US Beef.... Most consumers will tell you they have never eaten Canadian beef- and now with the BSE safety issue our government will not even give them the ability to choose......

As far as the gay issue, I couldn't tell you- Montana still outlaws gay unions, unlike some Socialist nations I know of.......
R-CALF's campaign has always been and will always be built on fear and greed and nothing else. So OT you can spin that tune about it being an issue with the Packers all you like, but you'll never convince me that R-CALF are any more than a bunch of greedy isolationists.
Cattle Rack Rancher":3nqt3ahn said:
R-CALF's campaign has always been and will always be built on fear and greed and nothing else. So OT you can spin that tune about it being an issue with the Packers all you like, but you'll never convince me that R-CALF are any more than a bunch of greedy isolationists.

See I told you , you'll never believe me :lol: --But wait a few years until all the Australian and South American beef starts going north thru the US, "unlabeled" under all the current and upcoming trade agreements- but maybe you're in the business for the "today" profits and/or fun and don't want the generations behind you to follow :roll: ....
Oldtimer":3u0kqm7y said:
Cattle Rack Rancher":3u0kqm7y said:
R-CALF's campaign has always been and will always be built on fear and greed and nothing else. So OT you can spin that tune about it being an issue with the Packers all you like, but you'll never convince me that R-CALF are any more than a bunch of greedy isolationists.

See I told you , you'll never believe me :lol: --But wait a few years until all the Australian and South American beef starts going north thru the US, "unlabeled" under all the current and upcoming trade agreements- but maybe you're in the business for the "today" profits and/or fun and don't want the generations behind you to follow :roll: ....

Up until the border closure we were importing from those countries. Alot of Argentine beef is still imported into Canada. What's your point? We know that Canadian beef and Canadian cattlemen can compete with any country in the world so why should that bother us. It won't be too much longer until we're processing the beef from the northern states as well. Just more value added for our economy. Good Luck.
Leo McDonnell is a radical. So now that BSE has been found in one of 'his' cattle - let's see him try to keep 'his' protectionist and isolanisim regarding the Canadian border being closed to beef into the U.S.A. !

Leo - you're done! You're cooked.............I'm sending you down a REAL Alberta 1/4 pound beef burger, and I really truly hope that you choke on it!

All my love - from Ottawa - Canada!

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