A-I bulls angus ?

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I have yet to see any calves by darkhorse but by pedigree should be muscular and thick made. Most of the BC Raven cattle are very attractive and well put together.

The copyright bull is an angus composite from what I understand being based in Ohlde's Angus 2 program.
Oh Darkhorse is registered angus....Looking at the pictures and the video- I've never been to impressed by the commotion and promotion surrounding the bull..Definitely doesn't look much like a range bull...
I'm not sure my girls wouldn't die laughing if I stuck something as pimped and prettied up looking in with them- think I'd been bullbuying in San Francisco... ;-)
Looking at his picture, I thought it looked like his hindquarters had been photo-shopped,

not really natural looking. Maybe its the way the hair is fluffed up and cut???

I think he looks like a poodle (and I HAVE a poodle!) but I don't even trim my dog like that


(sorry showpeople, no offense intended!)
I'm not a big fan of clubby type cattle(and I show, you just don't see those types up here)...it would be nice to see the bull under the fitting/photoshop, then make a judgment. He seems short bodied but its a bad angle to tell too. I'd rather wait and see what happens after he's been out for awhile and there are some calves to show for it.
I would rather my herd bull look more like this:


He was just chillin after breeding season surviving on grass.

there's a lot of clubby breeders using him. he's neat looking, but he's young. i'd wait and see how this year's calf crop comes out. in a few years i'd look at him again, might get some flashy females.
Looking at his video the one thing that struck me is that he has NO TESTICLES!
Mighty small for a bull prospect in my world. He would win a steer class but if he were in a bull class he seems to lack the criteria to win :)
From the ad:
Darkhorse is the exciting bull of the year who sold for $140,000 at the 2009 Limestone LLC sale! This Raven son has impeccable foot design, and you could not ask for a bull to walk more perfectly. Darkhorse has fantastic neck extension and lines.

What? The sum buck waddled like a duck!
WichitaLineMan":1co8h01m said:
From the ad:
Darkhorse is the exciting bull of the year who sold for $140,000 at the 2009 Limestone LLC sale! This Raven son has impeccable foot design, and you could not ask for a bull to walk more perfectly. Darkhorse has fantastic neck extension and lines.

What? The sum buck waddled like a duck!

How could you tell...every time I thought I was starting to get a good look at him they flashed more graphics on the screen. That is the worst video I have ever seen.
WichitaLineMan":lgeuzdz6 said:
From the ad:
Darkhorse is the exciting bull of the year who sold for $140,000 at the 2009 Limestone LLC sale! This Raven son has impeccable foot design, and you could not ask for a bull to walk more perfectly. Darkhorse has fantastic neck extension and lines.

What? The sum buck waddled like a duck!

I agree. I wasnt considering using him just trying to get ol NR riled up with the EXT in the pedigree. :lol:
They should have named him Abigail or Amilia
Now read carefully.....I would like my herd bull to look like this not this is my herd bull lol. The bull in the picture was in Powell Wy and is owned by Sinclair Cattle Company and I really liked him when I saw him. His name is Sinclair Wajima 6R110 registration #15366614 he has been added this year to the Sinclair semen catalog. He is a 707 son so some old genetics so his numbers are not huge but I don't always go by the numbers I think you also have to look at the phenotype some of these older genetics don't have great numbers but they sure make some great cattle. I will be buying some semen on this bull for next years breeding season.

That being said can you beleive that we are under a Winter Storm Warning in Florida with up to 3" of snow predicted by 3:00 tomorrow! You folks from out west will laugh at this but they have already announced that all our schools will be closed tomorrow, County government will close our Navy base is shutting down it would be an understatement to say snow is not something we are prepared for.

Several times each week I receive brochures and catalogs in the mail regarding various breeds of beef cattle, a great percentage of which are "Clubby" calves and combination of crossbreeding different breeds for the "WOW" effect that they are intended to evoke. Sometimes the effect on me IS WOW". ...more frequently the effect is "GAG!"

We all should understand that there is a vast difference between Beef Cattle whose intended job is to make a profit for breeders who are in the Beef Production business, and those animals whose prime purpose is to subject themselves to being primped, washed, blow-dried, combed, curled, twirled, furled, nurled, swirled and generally used for 4H and FFA young folks to learn responsibility, teamwork, work ethics, and getting along with other people. I look with favor upon the basic tenets for use as a teaching maxim, but I think that the entire concept of "Showing Cattle" has been warped out of reality, and the learning principles have been distorted. WHY ? Because the young people are being taught to LIE about what the animals that they are showing really are, insofar as BEEF CATTLE are concerned. They are told that they must "cover up" any faults or blemishes so as to falsify the appearance of the animals and that the prime purpose is to WIN in the show ring - NOT to exhibit what the animal IS, but to indicate and express something that they are NOT! Comb the hair so that the legs appear heavier, the flanks appear fuller, the shoulders appear smoother, the top line appears more level, and - - - if there is a little white that shouldn't be there , well, just use a little "Shinola" in a discreet manner. It's "OK if you can get away with it!" Would you deliberately teach your son or daughter to 'cheat on a test in school?', or to lie on their Income Tax Return. - - or - - to lie under Oath! Or - to ignore their marriage vows??!! It is the same principle! Perhaps that is one reason that our World is in the Satanic position it is in today. Truth doesn't mean Squat!

Another factor that interested me was the explanation of LImestone Darkhorse U322 given on his information page. It struck me as curious that the owner of the bull thought that such traits as "Exciting, has impeccable foot "design", fantastic 'neck extension' and lines, awesome look, soft middled, super sound, and - just plain 'cool' all the way around would be consequential seedstock selection criteria! I believe that my Livestock Judging Professor would have thrown his hankie at me if I would have described an animal in such a manner! From the picture here, the bull does have a fine, expressive head, and 'pointy' hair on his tail head. I wonder what $Value can be given to these phenotypical descriptions on his progeny in a feedlot. His EPD's as given here are more than acceptable, with the exception of CED +3, and SC -0.3.

One Phenotypic Growth Factor is undeniable with this bull! He certainly is no "FUNNEL BUTT"!

The most desirable pedigree factors here are those presented by the Ohlde breeding, insofar as Phenotype is concerned. I would like to observe him in 'working clothes', and see how he would peform in a "Feed Efficiency" test. Teaching 4H and FFA members these kinds of technical selection methods for making breeding decisions are the REAL "value" points for '"Keeping Them Down On The Farm!"

PROFIT speaks louder than RIBBONS!
