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  1. F

    Wheat no tilled?

    Yeah after we worked cows, they went back to the north pasture. It does not have any wheat. Bermuda and fescue is greening back up. I’ll leave them there until I have to bring them back to the wheat. Might even feed them hay there for bit if i think it’d help, we will see. Turned calves out in...
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    Wheat no tilled?

    I grazed it this last week a few days. Simply because I needed to gather cows for fall working/preg check and didn’t have a choice. Boy do they not want to come back off of
  3. F

    Wheat no tilled?

    NE Oklahoma. Fairly flat ground, good black soil, very Little Rock’s with mixed clay.
  4. F

    Wheat no tilled?

    So after attending a class on regen grazing etc I learned how beneficial cover crops can be. Started back in the summer with Sudan. Next about 2wks ago we no tilled wheat in. Both times I hired the notilling done because I don’t own a drill and I think it’s a lot like hay baling, I don’t do...
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    Pasture Pet Peeves

    Grazing off to nothing, then complaining on feeding hay, cows look like crap, etc
  6. F

    Ideal Sudan Grazing Height

    From advice and research I’ve done. Graze it around 30inches back to 12inches and move them to next patch. Keeps from killing it out and growing.
  7. F

    Newbie sorghum sudan seeding rate?

    Yeah I knew better but didn’t do it.
  8. F

    Stockpiling Sorghum Sudan

    I think that was in my thread about seeding rates. The variety I bought he referred to as a dwarf variety. Normal hay grazer gets to 13ft, mine said would be 5ft but same amount of leaves. So not as much to age if chopping but for grazing it’s ideal. Advice I’ve seen is 2wks-month after frost to...
  9. F

    Newbie sorghum sudan seeding rate?

    I know it’s east to say “go for it”. But that’s why I started small. 10acres ran me about 500. 300 in seed, 170-200 to no till guy. Next year I may do 20-30acres
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    Newbie sorghum sudan seeding rate?

    We have no where near that rents drills. Did find one guy that came and no tilled mine. He agreed to do my wheat later too. I think I should have gone thicker but live and learn. Not going to say I got the best stand, should have grazed it harder and lack of moisture hasn’t helped. That really...
  11. F

    Newbie sorghum sudan seeding rate?

    It’s slow so far. Our rain has been very little, about 1.5inches in last 2months. We are currently 10+inches behind and starting to hit 100* next week. I plan to no till some wheat and do a cow peas, cool season type mix in fall
  12. F

    Newbie sorghum sudan seeding rate?

    Bought the seed today. They had the hay grazer that gets 13ft tall, I opted for the dwarf which he says will put on the same number of leaves as the 13ft in a 5ft plant. Little less tonnage due to less stem but the leaves are what’s desired anyway. So it’s dwarf BMR sorghum Sudan. Which he says...
  13. F

    Newbie sorghum sudan seeding rate?

    I’m thinking 20-25lbs/acre. This is an experiment anyway
  14. F

    Newbie sorghum sudan seeding rate?

    I’ve got a friend that he and I both want to try sorghum Sudan grass as a forage. Partially to help in case of a drought to have a drought tolerant, fast growing supply of quality grass. My plan is to test it on about 13ish acre field behind my house around a pond. Part of this is to have...
  15. F

    Cows harvesting the last cutting of hay

    Love to have that field here in OK right now. Those cows are a lot better shape than mine. About 1/2-3/4inch is all we’ve had since late June.
  16. F

    Soybean hay advice

    So I guess my soybean deal dried up. Literally because the beans are starting to dry out and they can’t get the leaves to stay on to bale them. So they won’t even do them. Wish I had a grinder and I’d try to buy the stems and mix with hay. But can’t afford grinder either. Found and guy in AR...
  17. F

    Soybean hay advice

    Well I guess I misunderstood alittle. I get them IF he bales more which is good possibility since we haven’t had more than an inch of rain since late June and none forecasted for next 2wks. He baled some and I thought he was selling them
  18. F

    Soybean hay advice

    So here in NE Ok they are baling most of the corn and soybeans, at least here in Ottawa county where the rains keep missing us and splitting and going around us. Their barely putting on any beans etc. I bought 10 corn hay bales that still had the ears on it, I’ve feed all of them over a 45 day...
  19. F

    Drought plan

    Unfortunately I think it’s anyones guess. It’s a gamble, safe bet is sell now I guess. Sell your hay to at a premium or hold it and buy more better quality cows on the cheap later if you keep the hay and moisture doesn’t improve. If it doesn’t improve in fall cattle should only get cheaper IMO...
  20. F

    Who's fixin to start feeding hay

    Over graining or to much protein is rarely an issue. Especially when nutrition is short anyway. There’s some food value left in dead grass just not enough usually. Also be careful of that Johnson grass in this drought, get it tested. That crap can be poison with nitrates to cows or any animal...