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  1. R

    East Texas Lightning

    They had the blood coming out the nose and mouth as you described. They also hit the ground dead I guess no sign of any movement at all. The storm rolled through between 4 and 6 PM. I heard the calves calling the next morning around daylight. I figured a tree had blown across a fence and a calf...
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    East Texas Lightning

    I posted a picture on the Ranchers page hope it does not offend anyone.
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    East Texas Lightning

    I have lost 11 head in the past 15 years or so to lightning. Two single cows, three 18 month old bulls and now last Wednesday 6 cows. There is something about this 7 acre pasture that attracts lightning.
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    wild heifer

    I have on of those that has not been in the corral for 7 years or so. She has not been wormed or anything. If I ever catch her I might sale her. She does give a great calf every year and she looks dang good for not being wormed. She does try and lead the heard off tho when its time to catch the...
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    Duck Weed

    Thanks for all the tips...
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    Friendly bull

    We only pet our show animals. When messing with cows they are much larger than us and you just never know. My Dad was charged and ran over by a cow that he had owned for years. She had never shown any aggression before not even when she had a new calf. This time was different she didnt like...
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    Duck Weed

    It blocks the light and kills the fish... I thought about round up and wondered about having to keep the cows off it.
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    Duck Weed

    We have what we call Duck Weed growing on a couple of our ponds. It the light green stuff looks like little seeds. It has taken over one of the pond, and starting on another. Any good ideas on how to get ride of it? I have treated it with a stuff called Carmex it didnt help much. I have used a...
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    bull castration question

    We still use burdezos we tried the bands years ago and a couple of the calves got infected. Prob our lack in knowing how to band properly. Our 5 show steers this year were banded when we brough them home. Ended up taking two of them to the vet after they got infected. I think they were too old...
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    Black bull question

    We raised limis for years and the uptight attitude is an understatment. The older the bulls got the wilder the calves got. We changed limi bulls a couple of times and the same thing the first 3 or 4 years everything was ok then wild hairs. We are on our second crop of calves with angus bulls...
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    Bull/cow ratio

    Now we run one bull with about 30 cows or so...We use to run more cows and two bulls they would always fight it out and tear up some fence but never a injury. We take the bulls off the cows now and pasture them together. They get along fine until we put out some cubes.. haha.
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    i understand thanks dun i will read up on it.
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    Thanks, she has taken to both and they both look good. The one thing that has bothered me is she will hide one and keep one with her. We have not been able to tell if she is hiding the same one everytime or not. We thought about seperating her from the other cows to feed her more, but when we do...
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    We had our first set of twins born Monday. Anything we should be aware of with twins?