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  1. J

    Another fence question

    When putting in your post ..especially corners, do you pour concrete, use Road pack, (CA6), or just tamp dirt?
  2. J

    cutting fence posts

    Yes there are several that are good and straight, some nice corner posts too, Next quetion for cross braces do you reccomend steel pipe or just osage, I see people use both around here?
  3. J

    Braunvieh based or Angus based cows?

    Ive been looking at Braunvieh cattle also, and had the same question. My concern with braunvieh on angus would be birthweights. I beleive the breed average BW for Braunvieh is +6 on an Angus scale. But I see people doing it.
  4. J

    grass identification

    Does anybody know of a website or other information on how to tell different grass species apart. I havent been able to find anything with good enough information or pictures to tell anything.
  5. J

    Feed grinder

    I have a farmer that will sell me corn and beans at a good price. Is there something that I could buy (cheap) to mix and grind my own feed. I am only going to feed 2 heifers or steers out to butcher for me and some friends. maybe something with a hand crank or electric motor driven.
  6. J

    Favorite feed recipe

    What do you all feed the ones you are finishing out to butcher, Ive heard shelled corn, ground corn, with soybeans without, soybeans, supplements, etc.
  7. J

    cutting fence posts

    I just bought 46 acres of land that i would like to pasture someday. I am going to cut some Osage Orange fence posts on my property. I wont be needing them for 3 - 5 years. Do they need to cure any time before they are used? How should I store them until then? Any advice?
  8. J

    Beginner Beef

    thanks, I'm sure ill have morer questions in the near future.
  9. J

    Beginner Beef

    So , make sure they are half and half,(F-1 ?), pretty hard to do that at the sale barn I'll bet. Maybe I will find someone local that will sell me one or two, then Ill know what im getting
  10. J

    Beginner Beef

    I am considering buying a calf or two to raise and butcher. for my family and a few friends. and I think it would be a good experience for my 2 boys( and me). I have a little over an acre to pasture right now. and I have access to plenty of hay and a good price on feed. what do you...