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  1. W

    Yearlings losing weight

    I would be interested to know what they find out.
  2. W

    Yearlings losing weight

    Aureomycin was a little of both. Treatment on anything that may have had salmonella, and hopefully knock it out on anything that wasn't showing any signs. From what I've been told, it is difficult to treat salmonella, but our lab results showed that what we had was susceptible to it.
  3. W

    Yearlings losing weight

    There is only 1 vaccine available that I know of for Type A. The normal 7 way that we give is C&D. I'll include the info on what I found about it. Salmonella is also available, but I believe my vet said it is only in the 50% effective range. Our lab results came back that aureomycin would...
  4. W

    Yearlings losing weight

    I have heard of several producers in my area having the same symptoms. Weight loss, watery manure, etc, etc. They never went off feed, just did poor and went down hill. To me it looks like Johnes, but these cattle were too young. All around a year or less. Wet weather, flooded grass, and...
  5. W

    Yearlings losing weight

    Just wanted to post an update on the issue that we have been having. Got the test results back on the necropsy and tested positive for Salmonella and Clostridial type A. Both are something not normally vaccinated against. We treated the entire herd with a round of Aureomycin, and shipped the...
  6. W

    Yearlings losing weight

    We had a new vet out today to do a necropsy on one of these calves. She seems to be really knowledgeable, and we really like her. My wife helped with it, since I couldn't get out of work. So, she did take lots of pictures to send me so I could take a look at things. If anyone is interested I...
  7. W

    Yearlings losing weight

    Has anyone had any experience with liver flukes or deer flukes? I had mentioned this to my vet a year or so ago, and was told that it probably wasn't an issue. From what I've read about flukes, it's a possibility that they give some of the signs we are seeing.
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    Yearlings losing weight

    Treated right after the 4th of July. Still going downhill since then. I didn't notice any evidence of coccidiosis, but did the treatment just as a precaution.
  9. W

    Yearlings losing weight

    Did a 3 day treatment of Corid and didn't seem to help.
  10. W

    Yearlings losing weight

    I did see that post, and have thought this in the past when we have a calf out the blue like this. We had a really wet spring and just started drying up the last 3 weeks. I'm wondering if we aren't dealing with something brought on by that.
  11. W

    Yearlings losing weight

    That's what it seems like to me also, but the age just doesn't fit in right. These are calves that were raised by us and from two different Farms also so that doesn't seem to fit. Pretty sudden onset. The only thing in common is that they were at another Farm all together.
  12. W

    Yearlings losing weight

    Have been seeing this and hearing of this in our area quite a bit. Weaned calves and yearlings going down hill. Pretty much wasting away. Calves have diarrhea, never go off feed or water, but just lose weight fast. Seeing a little bit of bottle jaw in a couple. We have a couple calves that...
  13. W

    Yearling with pure water scours

    Have a yearling that came in about a week ago. Eating and drinking fine, didn't notice any issues. Last Wednesday, noticed he had scours, but pure water. Watched him for a day, and noticed he was not as alert as he should be, so went ahead and doctored him. 20mL oxytet, 5mL Dex. Temp 101.5...
  14. W

    Pour on dewormers and Longhorn/Brahman cattle

    A customer was in the store the other day, and somehow we got on the subject of dewormers and cattle. They said they had lost several Longhorn cows and calves to using pour on dewormer. The only thing that I have heard on the dewormers is to be careful if you have a grub infestation and they...
  15. W

    Tractor supply squeeze chute

    The Priefert S01 will only handle a 1400-1500 lb cow. Frame size makes a big difference. I've had several customers with bigger cows go with the Rancher even though I advised them otherwse, and ended up disgusted. My thoughts are to go with the best piece of equipment that is in your budget and...
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    Tractor supply squeeze chute

    Not sure if you have fixed your problems yet, but thought I'd put in my .02. Behlen makes chutes for TSC in the west, Tarter in the east. The company I work for handles Priefert, Behlen, Sioux Steel and HerdPro. We stopped carrying that small Behlen chute (MX-V). I personally didn't like to...