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  1. T


    I recently read an article on Weevils and it pointed out that they are mainly eating the good nutrients. They recommended that the individual go ahead and feed what they had but not to expect the weight gain that should be normal with that feed. :frowns:
  2. T

    Abcess/Lump on neck behind jaw

    There could be 3 causes that I'm familiar with; 1) broken/bad tooth, 2) as mentioned, stick or thorn, 3) snake bite. Again get the Vet to check it. :)
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    Castration, 7 month old

    I haven't found any banders at TSC that will work on a 7mo old calf. The more expensive ones are the only ones I've found for that old of calf.
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    pics of cow problems and other stuff -- for the newbies

    Milkmaid I would like to know how you got that picture of joint ill as the calf looks just like the calf I've been writing about in calf w/problems.
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    Calf w/Problems

    The calf is six weeks old we did the vet treatment off and on for 4 weeks and have been "watching her" for the last two and seems to be getting worse. Have not tried selenium and the knee joints are not hot to the touch. Have given her a 48 hour penicilen shot this am. The naval does not feel...
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    Calf w/Problems

    I was never able to get the cow to take the calf so have been feeding milk replacer. However, the calf is stiff and front knees are real large. The Vet had me administer an antibiotic and muscle relaxer which worked for a couple of days. He then hac me give a series of treatments over a four day...
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    feeding moldy hay bales

    I have found that if the hay is severly molded the cattle will not eat the moldy hay.
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    stiff show steers

    IMHO it sounds like they found an unattended feed bag and have foundered. I had a show heifer that found the oat bin open and sure enough that is what happened to her. Has the front hoves started to grow and curl upward? If they have -Founder. :(
  9. T

    frozen meds

    Fridge went bad where I keep my "need fridge" meds. Cystroelin was frozen. Do I need to discard it or will it be fine if I put it in a warmer fridge to thaw to 40F? My suggestion is a vet before using. If in doubt don't use.
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    My daddy, grand-daddy and most of the other old cowboys I grew up around always said that the cruelest thing in the world was a dull knife at branding (castrating) time.Z My grandfother said the same thing. He had a special knife honed to play a tune for that day then put up in his special...
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    P I calves

    I give up. What is P I?
  12. T

    Cottonseed meal

    I saw an advertisment in the Denison/Sherman newspaper for some feed with cotton seed last week. You might obtain a copy of their paper and check with this feed store.
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    Water trough

    Not sure about pond water, but when stationed overseas medical staff recommended we treat their in home water that was used for human drinking or cooking with 10 drops of clorox per gal water let stand for 20 min before using. I'll let you do the math. :D
  14. T

    big trouble

    I had steer yearling that had a simuliar problem. The Vet identified the condition as Seizures, gave him some shots (don't remember what) suspected cause was from Johnson grass or other early grasses in the pasture. My results were not good, he died two days later.
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    Castrating and Dehorning Questions

    Does anyone use Elasticators (sp). My Vet doesn't like them so I quit. Dehorn and cut same time for us. :)
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    Manure On The Tail.

    My experience with crap on the tail is from many years ago when small farms and hand milking was vouge. Winter in Nebraska all our cows had crap on their tails even the ones we milked. None of their tails fell off but those frozen dingle berries sure got your attention at 0530 when they...
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    Hereford hair

    Buyers buying for northern lots usually pay a higher price for those long hair cattle.
  18. T

    clover hay cause bloat??

    Once the clover is cured and baled the bloat problem should not exist, only the green growing clover should cause bloat. At least thats what I was taught and experienced. Check with your Vet for a good clear reading on the subject.
  19. T

    banding and tetanous

    My Vet does not reccommend banding; knife and the signs. However, several presentations I've been to for CEU's two other vets advocate banding but both insisted on a shot of tetanous toxiod because of the ground contact an the lingering wound from the band. :)
  20. T

    maybe maybe not?

    If they are sure this is what they want I would make the appointment at the processors and have her there at the appointed time. :shock: