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  1. R

    Tubing-how much

    Hi-- Depending on the age and the health of the calf is a factor. Usually if the calf is in good health--(younger) no more than 2 qts to starts. If the calf is sickly--I will give a qt then go back a few hours later and give another qt. Hope this helps.
  2. R

    plastic twine/net wrap

    I use bright blue orange nylon twine. Once I noticed a calf with a piece hanging out of him mouth, I caught him and pulled on it and I pulled out a whole wad of the stuff !!! I try to get all of the twine / wrap when we put it in the hay racks.
  3. R

    Cattle Medicine Chest, what to keep on hand for emergencies?

    I give ringers if the calf dehydrates (later) It is a solution in a bag. I administer it in the calf behind the rib cage kind if where the hollow part is it really helps with dehydration. I think you get faster results rather than drenching or bagging with electroytes.
  4. R

    Cattle Medicine Chest, what to keep on hand for emergencies?

    I agree with all the above. I also like to keep on hand lactated ringers for dehydration. I also like to have vitamin b 12 and selenium (mu-se)
  5. R

    Small Calf Issue. looks to me like some type of bruise injury. The mark around nose is normal. That's not ring worm. They look a little gant (sp) :shock: I usually give milk replacer up to 5-6 weeks along with free choice (to an extent) starter grain. Hang in there ;-)
  6. R

    Scouring calf

    If the calf is still drinking try mixing up 1 cup of cornstarch with the milk. Be careful because starch is binding :roll: I would check for temp. Maybe some naxcel if you have it. I am not a vet but I have been there. If you have acess to Lactated ringers that will keep it hydrated. Just my...
  7. R

    Can someone help

    If its bloating it's a stomach problem may tube it to get the bloat down. Did she try a warm mild dish soap emema. I've had good luck with that. Did she check it's temp. I wouldn't give it any more milk until it poops. :shock: There is a few suggestions. Also maybe aloe vera juice for the bloat
  8. R

    Brahman calf

    I have done this successfully..... several times... Stand behind the calf with the bottle, bend over the calf's back of neck and head, cup the calf's mouth around the nipple and lean into the calf head (like covering it's eyes) :shock: and your arm is wrapped around it's neck. you may need...
  9. R

    what do you know about sorghum

    I guess we need to test now and later as we feed it. I'm afraid to feed it. I read to wrap it.. the moisture content should be about 60 percent. I guess we should have bailed it a few hours after we cut it. But as we were mowing it the water was just flying out of the haybine.
  10. R

    what do you know about sorghum

    So if it gets wet it becomes toxic ? We will be stacking it outside.
  11. R

    what do you know about sorghum

    Did you test it for toxicity? Cyanide poisoning was mentioned in a few articles. So you just baled it...did you store it outside
  12. R

    what do you know about sorghum

    We planted sorghum this year. It grew great. We mowed it day before yesterday. We went to bale it today and it is very dry on top. We wanted to wrap it for the winter but I think it is too dry. If we just round bale it will the girls eat it? Will it be toxic?? Will it keep ? We don't know...
  13. R

    labor problem 24hrs?

    I 'm not going to judge..... But from past experience 2 hours is too long if no progress is being made. I have seen them go longer with out difficulty and I have seem them circle once and the next thing you know a calf slides out. You just don't know. Let us know what happens. She is probably...
  14. R

    Calf Question

    I have used aloe vera juice before.... Seems to straighted out belly trouble
  15. R


    The fastest growing problem on a wound is flies. They can lay eggs and produce maggots before you can blink. Call your vet !!!
  16. R

    Skin Sloughing off

    If it is just the hair falling off, I would say a high fever. IF the skin is off too, maybe a parasite....
  17. R

    Ribs are showing...

    My two cents...... Giving too much milk !!!! Two quarts is enough have water free choice as well as grain. Keep it clean and he should take off.
  18. R

    white scours

    e-coli............I checked out the internet and Acid shock was mentioned several times. What is it? I also read HAY is good. Maybe I'll put them in one pasture and feer them hay. Currently they have roam of about 80 acres.
  19. R

    white scours

    It seems if we see a calf looking gaunt and slow and give it the meds they seem to come back but it is slowly. See last year we blamed the wet rainy spring. But this year in Pa it is DRY. I am seriously thinking of culling. I wish the price would go up. Well tomorrow is another day......
  20. R

    Two newbies who bought two 6 mo Herford Heifers from

    Registered cost $$$. Keep it simple. You'll enjoy them more. This board is new to me I hope you get my info.