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  1. DitchBank

    How long before putting with other cows?

    I finally found what was making my calves sick, I lost 2 and have 1 that I have been treating the last 4 days with medication, he is going up hill fast and is very perky and active. What they ended up having was Coccidiosis, it would have been nice to know this before I lost 2 and only saved 1...
  2. DitchBank

    Not Worms!!!

    I'm beginning to think the same thing, I feel I've done all I can, I've seen these types of symptoms before (on 2 other calves) and after fighting hard with everything possibly I can think of with what might be wrong with them medicating them for about 3 weeks they just keep going down hill and...
  3. DitchBank

    Not Worms!!!

    So I had a fecal sample done and for one of my calves it came back as not having worms. He recommended to use a type of dewormer he sold me (the vet) because fecal exams aren't always 100% correct, I gave him this and after about 4 days he is still going down hill, now I have to lift him so he...
  4. DitchBank

    Best Dewormers

    One more question for everyone: Within the same day, one of the cows I have can go from really hard poop, to somewhat runny poop, to watery poop, I have yet to see any worms in its feces, would this be a type of worm or what would this be? Anyways, this cow as well as 2 others (that I have seen...
  5. DitchBank

    Best Dewormers

    Thanks for everyone's help although any more comments are welcome. As for the fly larva, the worms are in the feces instantly when it comes out, so its looking more like tape worms every day.
  6. DitchBank

    Best Dewormers

    When a tape worm sheds, does the rice looking things that come out wiggle and move around because there is a lot of movement in these things that are coming out but they do resemble rice some.
  7. DitchBank

    Best Dewormers

    Maybe I'll have to do a small fecal sample, is there a possibility they could be roundworms? Another reason I hesitate to say there tape worms is #1 because of the size (very small) and #2 there are a lot of them not just a few, they look kinda like tiny fly larva the ones I've seen in there...
  8. DitchBank

    Best Dewormers

    They very well could be tapeworms, I just hesitate to think so because the ones coming out are very very small but seeable, any other thoughts on any other type of worm, I've tried an entire tube of paste (only have 3 calves with worms) and it didn't work, so I am looking for something potent to...
  9. DitchBank

    Best Dewormers

    No, but these worms are big enough to where I can see them in their poop.
  10. DitchBank

    Best Dewormers

    I need to know what the best dewormer to use on my calves is? They are small Holstein calves, and I would like to just get a dewormer that would work against all types if possible. What would be the best to use on them? Also I've used the one that you spray on their back and its blue liquid what...
  11. DitchBank

    Cows that won't get going

    I have dewormed these calves twice, with the paste I know the blue liquid on the back is better but does the tube of paste work just as well? They are eating off a grass pasture as well so, I think sometimes that could be why their runny, but sometimes their poop is completely hard. They...
  12. DitchBank

    Cows that won't get going

    I have 3 Holstein calves I am raising that are about 2 months old. They are weaned and eating hay and grain pretty well but won't gain any weight. Sometimes I think they are scouring but they are only runny sometimes but fine other times. Any tips on how to get them the nutrients/fats they are...
  13. DitchBank

    Cow hurting

    I've seen plenty of cows in heat but she seems to be a little different. She at first just had her tail lifted up and stayed away with the herd for a few hours 2 days ago. She would get up for about 3-4 minutes but then start almost like she was having labor pains and pushing and having...
  14. DitchBank

    Cow hurting

    I have a full sized cow that is 3 years old and seems to be in some pain. She is bleeding some from her female parts and it also has a little white (possibly puss) mixed in with it. She slipped her calf last year, and has been locked up without a bull until around a month ago. Just about 3 days...
  15. DitchBank

    Inactive Calf

    I have a calf that is very inactive, slow moving, and isn't moving around much but still eats. He is a young holstien calf around one and a half months of age. He doesn't have worms or scours, what could be wrong? and how to fix it?
  16. DitchBank

    Hair Loss on rump.

    Just a quick question lately a some of my cows have been loosing hair on there rump. They are pregnant but now one of the calves is starting to loose a little. Are they just rubbing them or is something wrong?