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  1. S

    Disposition ad fertility in bulls

    I recently had a related issue here with bulls. I've been straight Hereford but wanted to try another breed bull on my docile, older Hereford cow group to see if heterosis was worth trying. Until recently I had another breed bull who sired F1 calves that were the best calves I've ever had...
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    Hereford Question

    Thank you. However I starting to remember why I haven't posted here in a long time. I feel this board and others are far more interesting and useful when we discuss ideas rather than people. I can understand when someone prefers a different type of cattle. There are many different...
  3. S

    Hereford Question

    You are sure in a warm, generous mood today... I currently have 21 calves from this bull and they are outstanding. I've retained almost every heifer from my previous Huth bulls with some excellent results. Even good luck keeping a couple bulls for my own use from Huth bulls and my best cows...
  4. S

    Hereford Question

    I have had good luck with pasture type Herefords from Jerry Huth at Huth Polled Herefords in Wisconsin. He raises them for the pasture, not the show ring.
  5. S

    AHA EPD Accuracy

    I have found the same thing: the AHA EPD's on my Huth bull seem to reflect his calves very closely. Especially his CED calving ease. Calves about fell out of the back of my cows this past spring. Lighter birth weights even out of my larger cows but seem to be gaining well. Older bull calves...
  6. S

    Purchased my first yearling Hereford Bull in 10 years

    I'm curious about the Titan 23D influence. Titan 23D calved in 1972. How can you look at the AHA website to see if he is in a particular bull's pedigree? Looking back through just the the topside of my current (Huth Z072) bull's pedigree, he goes back to Felton's then the Line one/Prospector in...
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    For You That Worship at the EPD Altar!

    Like most computerized data, EPD's are "garbage in = garbage out". They are only as valid and useful as the data which is entered. I think you need to know the breeder as well as the numbers. I happen to like the AHA EPDs on Jerry Huth's Hereford bulls. Jerry is into data. Here are the EPDs...
  8. S

    Which is your top pick? Round Two

    No one in this thread so far has mentioned EPDs. On top of each of the bull photos is a link to CHA data and on that page a link to an EPD Graph. The EPD graphs give a different picture of a bull than just the photo. Wouldn't it be a good idea to use the EPD information in addition to the...
  9. S

    Some Hereford pics

    I would encourage you to try it. DeKalb Canada seed corn had a very useful corn grazing guide online but I see its been removed. Western Canada prairie province corn grazing is quite different from US cornbelt corn grazing however. I would never graze cows on corn in the cornbelt. I find...
  10. S

    Some Hereford pics

    No it does not. I've been doing this for 6 or 7 years now. Thank you all for the kind words. It is amazing to me how well Herefords adapt to the incredible winter we've had here. About 45 days so far with below zero F temperatures. Jim
  11. S

    Some Hereford pics

    I came back from a trip to another snow. I gave the bulls a treat of a fresh bale of oat hay on the ground, rather on the snow, to play with for a day. I'll put a ring over it tomorrow. My Huth bull Z072 is like a big Teddy bear. He loves to play with a bale. He is in a north facing pasture so...
  12. S

    dvorak herefords

    This certainly is an awesome looking bull. But also brings up a good point. What place to EPD's have in bull selection? Just for the heck of it I looked up his EPD's. While he has great growth numbers, his calving ease, bw and maternal calving ease EPDs are really low. From the numbers he...
  13. S

    Thoughts on this Hereford bull?

    Please tell us about both 166 and 9126J Jim
  14. S

    Thoughts on this Hereford bull?

    Looking at his pedigree I see 9126J is his grandsire. I've had great results from a couple Huth bulls with 9126J in their recent pedigree. They have really changed the direction of my herd.
  15. S

    Thinking about a new bull

    Aaron, some good looking bulls there. Noticed they give a BW EPD but there are no CED EPDs shown which I am told is a better measure of calving ease. Don't you use CED up north? Thanks for the link. Jim
  16. S

    Why have Herefords

    I know nothing about these "Drakensburger" first time I've ever heard the name. However I do know something about Chars and Limos from others, not first hand, and it isn't quite that simple unfortunately. It is my understanding Chars can have calving difficulties and Limos sometimes have...
  17. S

    Why have Herefords

    I was reading an article the other day about heterosis, the boost you get from crossing two pure breeds. This article said the most gain occurred on the first cross - in other words a Hereford bull on Angus cows produced an excellent terminal baldy calf with the maximum gain from heterosis...
  18. S

    Why have Herefords

    I guess here are a couple reasons I have Herefords. They just seem to work well in my system. Maybe other breeds would but why mess with success? ;-) My long-time cattleman neighbor got me started in Herefords a few years ago. I'm glad he did. I feel they are a great breed for low input...
  19. S

    Why have Herefords

    I think as good calves of any breed become harder to find due to the shrinking US cattle herd the abilityof "promotion" to cause a discount among equal quality calves will gradually disappear. The few Hereford calves I have sold at our local sale barn sold right with good blacks in the same...
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    Early weaning weights and sale results

    Thanks for the information. Are those 6 month weights with creep feed? Why not castrate the bull calves to be sold?