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  1. B

    Moved Daughter Off to College Today

    Our son leaves this weekend for his final semester at ULL. I remember his first semester away, we would call every few days to see how things were going. It does get easier, but every time he leaves, the house seems a little larger for a couple of days. Sounds like ya'll did a good job of...
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    Country Sayings

    "They look like they were shot at and missed and sh_ _ at and hit." "He is educated beyond his intelligence."
  3. B

    Trivial Question to ya'll Southerners

    I think we only had one night in the twenties since the beginning of the year. Seems we are getting cool fronts every Thursday or Friday lately, and have been having great weekends with highs in the 70's and lows in the 50's. We have been missing most of the rain in my neck of the woods, but...
  4. B

    How long for sibling visits?

    I'm the oldest of seven, have three brother and three sisters. They all live within 10 miles from my parents. I live the farthest (about 25 miles). During the spring and summer, probably see most of the family two to three times a month. I guess short visits keep everyone on good terms. No...
  5. B

    its to wet

    Had about 1.5 inches here this morning and most of that fell in about two hours. Looks like we are in a winter pattern where you get a couple of days of dry weather and then a day of soaking rain. We could probably use a good week of drying out.
  6. B

    Allergies anyone?

    I am in the shell fish allergy club also. Worst part is that here in south La., crabs, crawfish, or shrimp are almost a daily meal staple. I also was able to eat shellfish when I was younger. Mostly I get red watery eyes, but sometimes shrimp, especially boiled, will give me that suffocating...
  7. B

    Favorite place?

    That would have to be sitting under cypress trees late in the day, watching our cattle graze. Also, clipping our pastures in the summer, enjoying the smell of fresh cut grass.
  8. B

    Windows Vista

    Be prepared to have to update a lot of your software. Also, you may not be able to use older printers, scanners, etc. I run XP but have been doing some work on a family members new computer. We find Vista to be slower than XP. I plan on avoiding Vista for as long as I can. However, I guess...
  9. B

    6" of rain and temps in the '70'S

    Is it just me or have the seasons shifted about a month. We don't have to wear coats here until sometime in December. Winter doesn't really start down here until February now. Seems like the change started about ten years ago.