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  1. N

    Orphan bull calf

    Thought I'd throw and update in: Our little guy is doing great! Zero issues, so we're assuming he must've received some colostrum from someone considering he was sucking on everything in site. Our daughter is working with him for 4-H as a bottle calf, so it's nice to see him pull through...
  2. N

    Calf will not get up - breathing congestion

    Best thing to do is keep them together, but make sure you feed him if he isn't able to nurse from her at first. Once they're apart for very long you take a huge risk of not getting her to take him back. Remember that with calves like this patience is a virtue, stay on top of the situation but...
  3. N

    Orphan bull calf

    Okay guys, I'm picking your brain again! We have a little bull calf who was born last Tues, husband considered pulling him in because he seemed to be bawling considerably and wondering a bit, but I of course nagged him and told him to leave that calf be that his momma would come back to him...
  4. N

    Stupid Cows???

    We had this happen this winter, she licked him straight out onto the frozen pond! Just by luck we happened to drive out to check on them and the quite a sight with me screaming get him get him, and then screaming god I hope the ice doesn't break! I would've be pulling him out of the frozen pond...
  5. N

    Best tips on bottle feeding calf

    Just keep offering, we don't mix it with anything just calf pellets. They will get it, just be patient. Also on the replacer you need to feed according to weight on the bag. If you have to undermix for scours just be sure to slowly go back to where you need to be.
  6. N

    Will she ever calve?

    Definately needed a good experience after last week! Always love to see a healthy strong baby! Congrats Nesi and Thanks All! :)
  7. N

    Will she ever calve?

    ...and we had a nice little grey bull calf today! :banana:
  8. N

    Best tips on bottle feeding calf

    We have raised LOTS and LOTS of bottle calves, did 25 in the spring two years ago and they were all on bottles :???: Yes we were crazy! Never use a soy replacer for calves read your labels it may not be easy to tell! We use Dairy Way by Nutrena, it is pricey BUT I would never feed a calf...
  9. N

    Will she ever calve?

    We have one like this right now, she's been teasing us with that bag for nearly 2 weeks and is as loose as a goose :)
  10. N

    Is this normal?

    At this point if that calf hasn't had colostrum nature may decide your fate for you eventually. They HAVE to have colostrum whether from momma or a commercial mix within 12 hours after that minimal with absorb into the gut. I would get a tube down that calf if it doesn't drink asap... Good luck...
  11. N

    Calving season 2014 for me

    Wonderful video! Doesn't matter how many I've seen, I still love it! Makes up for all the hell when everything goes right!
  12. N

    Complicated delivery?? Please reply, Thanks!

    UPDATE! Calf is doing better today, took 1 pink this am by bottle, 1pm 2 pints and 2 pints this evening! He went out to play and was bucking around and jumping with the dog lol. Looks like day 3 is the turning point! We have pretty much decided that we have a new bottle baby, which is okay too...
  13. N

    Complicated delivery?? Please reply, Thanks!

    Jenna, no twins we had snow on the ground and never found anything in that pasture except for when he was born, and although I am no great at estimating weights I think around 60ish? maybe even a little more he is a good sized calf. Thanks all for the encouragement! We raised bottle calves 3...
  14. N

    Complicated delivery?? Please reply, Thanks!

    B&G I misread the mama seems fine it eating hay with the others this morning.....
  15. N

    Complicated delivery?? Please reply, Thanks!

    Husband said that he is starting to talk a little, still wouldn't bottle just now. He gave him a dose of Banamine and tubed more colostrum. He just seems weak to me. He hasn't stood on his own that we have seen, hubs is going to bed him down on some hay in the center of the pen and let her come...
  16. N

    Complicated delivery?? Please reply, Thanks!

    Black and Good we took the calf she had delivered and considering the calf still has been lethargic I don't think this was a case of wait and watch, It was 20 with snow on the ground also. I know that it was membranes that were hanging I am an OB nurse also and know exactly what they look like...
  17. N

    ...just getting a little antsy...

    Great job! Isn't it nice to see it all work out, I am still convinced that some of these calves are born to live or die lol. So glad this little girl hung in there and took to mom!
  18. N

    Complicated delivery?? Please reply, Thanks!

    So we are newish to this whole calving business :) only 3 years in, seen plenty but have a new situation and would love some speculation from you experienced folks. Our cows are salebarn cows, the one I am discussing wasn't reported as bred and didn't "appear" to be either, she is just a nice...