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  1. J

    Warm season legumes.

    Explain why you veiw that a bad thing. I would think that having the millet mixed in would not hurt hay quality and would add variety to the hay.
  2. J

    eastern gamma grass

    I notilled the gamma grass with a corn planter set on 30" rows. I got my stratified seed from Shepard Farms at Cliftonhill, MO; I just follwed Dan's reccomendations for planting. Did not graze the first year, cut for hay in August and then let it go until the next spring then burned it off...
  3. J

    eastern gamma grass

    I have some gamma grass that is going on its 7th year. Each year it gets better and better from a tonnage standpoint. I graze it only and dont cut it for hay; works very well for that. I really wish I had about 20 more acres of it. Usually start grazing first to middle of May and graze to...
  4. J

    big bale alfalfa hay

    We have 120 cows but they are broke up into 4 groups of 30 on 4 different farms. If we were to put a big bale of alfalfa out to each group into one of the hay rings with the other rings having fescue in them; what are the risks to the cows, if any? Dont want to make any of them sick because...
  5. J

    big bale alfalfa hay

    Have some big bale alfalfa hay that wanting to feed to my beef cows that normally get big bale fescue and liquid supplement. Any concerns with putting them out, dont have an unroller or any good way to limit feed. thanks in advance for your feedback.
  6. J

    Cedars in pasture

    Thanks for all the replys, I like the idea of burning the pasture but have never done this in the past, so may try a small patch to test my skills at that. I do know that the local coop does handle "crossbow" this may be my best alternative. I'm on here and read weekly but very seldom ask or...
  7. J

    Cedars in pasture

    The past few years been having small cedars in the pasture and have been bush-hogging them down. Each year there are more, what type of broadcast foliar spray would be best to get them under control? Jeff
  8. J

    MOB GRAZING pics

    What about shade for the cattle during the dog days of summer? I can not see away to set up 60 paddocks that all would have shade accessible. Or is this just one of my own paridigms that cattle need shade.
  9. J

    Eastern Gamagrass ... g04671.htm Here is the link that I use for guidance on gama grass. Hope it helps. Jeff
  10. J

    Eastern Gamagrass

    I have 6 acres of it and I have grazed 24 head on it for those five days. Typically let it get to about 20" in height before grazing and will only graze down to about 10" then remove. I have been hitting it with 50# of N first of May, then again about the middle of June, P&K in the fall per...
  11. J

    Eastern Gamagrass

    I have a small patch of it that is now 4 years old. No-tilled it with a 30" corn planter into a field that had previously had soybeans in it. That worked well for me, got a hay cutting the first year. Started grazing year 2, turned cows in about every 3 weeks for about 4 days at a time then...
  12. J

    Eastern gamagrass

    I planted 5 acres of it 3 years ago. The first year I just clipped it to help control weeds because it was so dry. If had some moisture could have got a hay crop the first year. 2nd year burned it off about end of march and grazed it every 3 weeks from about May 20 to sept 10. This year I...
  13. J

    Planting rye?

    I just had rye, oats and turnips flown on 16 acres of standing corn on thursday. Received an inch of rain last night, so I would think conditions are about as good as I could ask for. I will keep you posted on how the stand looks. Jeff I walked out into the corn yesterday and the oats are...
  14. J

    Planting rye?

    I just had rye, oats and turnips flown on 16 acres of standing corn on thursday. Received an inch of rain last night, so I would think conditions are about as good as I could ask for. I will keep you posted on how the stand looks. Jeff
  15. J

    dusty alfalfa

    My past experience with moldy hay has been not a problem with alfalfa. Moldy red clover hay caused our cows to slober at the mouth some when we fed it. As soon as I fed some fescue hay the slobering quit. Not sure if the slobering would cause any problems but I figured it was best just not to...
  16. J

    Rotational grazing

    thanks for sharing. jeff
  17. J

    Rotational grazing

    Dun, Impressive! What brand of electric fencer? how many ground rods? thanks, Jeff
  18. J

    Eastern Gamma Grass

    I planted 10#'s per acre and it cost around $6.50 a lb. Planted it with a corn planter. Hope this helps. Jeff
  19. J

    Eastern Gamma Grass

    Bluestem, No, I did not get a soil test done before, so I don't know the Ph. Last year when planted I did not add any fertilizer or chemicals at all, I just relied on the atrazine caryover from the previous corn crop to help with weed control. i did no grazing or haying with it the first year...
  20. J

    Eastern Gamma Grass

    Do any of you have expereince with Eastern Gamma Grass? I have a small 2nd year stand and have some questions for bur dock control. That is about the only weed that the gamma grass hasn't out grown and choked out. Not many chemicals approved for gamma grass that I'm aware of. Any help would...