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  1. Angus Cattle Girl

    Show results

    Ok, just giving you some ideas! :D
  2. Angus Cattle Girl

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    Do you exercise her? Also, what are her living conditions like? I don't know what part of Texas you live in, but if it hasn't gotten too cold & if there is someplace you could hang up a fan in her pen without her destroying it, I would definitely do it. Helps keep them a little bit cooler.
  3. Angus Cattle Girl

    Show results

    I'm a sucker for Chars... you definitely have a good lookin heifer. Good job on everything! & with more days on feed, you're lamb will fill out nicely. :D
  4. Angus Cattle Girl

    Show results

    Mini Herfs are the bomb! I love them. :D What did the judge say about your lamb? It looks to me like your lamb just needs more days on feed. In the video, at the very beginning, the last 2 lambs that came in almost looked like they were ready fair already.
  5. Angus Cattle Girl

    Market lamb update

    Give em heck!!! Good luck! :)
  6. Angus Cattle Girl

    Market lamb update

    :) So, of course, these pictures aren't of you showing so I would understand not being totally correct with anything! Anyway, you set her up really nice in the picture of the hind view! On her profile views, make sure you bring her neck up & back. You basically almost want a 90 degree angle...
  7. Angus Cattle Girl

    Market lamb update

    She looks a lot better... she definitely filled out! Be nice to see what she looks like with that wool off. You said you wanted showing tips as well, right? If not, I'm not gonna critique you! :) But, I have some pointers for you if you'd like them. Let me know. :D
  8. Angus Cattle Girl

    slick shearing a market lamb

    Yeah, I just trim up there legs to look them look more square. I try to leave as much wool as possible, but I tidy them up! :D
  9. Angus Cattle Girl

    slick shearing a market lamb

    With my market lambs, we want them as slick as possible. #40s or #50s are what we used or any type of surgical blade. There's a greater chance to knick them, but they will be super slick & handle really well. When I trim up the leg wool, I just use a small set of clippers with a #20 or a...
  10. Angus Cattle Girl

    Market lamb opinions

    I've had the same problem with touchy lambs. Desensitize her like you would with a horse. Every time you go out to her pen, catch her & rub all over her. Try doing it 2-3 times a day. Show her she has nothing to be afraid of. Of course, sheep don't catch onto this as fast as horses, but...
  11. Angus Cattle Girl

    Market lamb opinions

    When is your show? She will definitely fill out & grow with days on feed. She looks to be pretty good for as green as she still is. I'd say black face cross as her breed (Suffolk/Hampshire). Most of the lambs I showed in the past looked similar.
  12. Angus Cattle Girl

    Denver Results

    I showed a steer in the Catch-A-Calf program. I ended up placing 5th overall out of 37. A big surprise for me. I was super excited and proud as heck of my steer. Good luck to any one else that is still left to show. I'm hoping on going back up tomorrow. Hopefully I'll be able to go check...
  13. Angus Cattle Girl

    Should somebody stand up and say something?!

    Personally, if it really bothers you, speak up. It does seem unfair to the other kid that would have to compete against this. But hey, that kid can go out and blow all the money he wants. Remember, he is the one flushing his money and his knowledge. AT least the kids that work hard and take...
  14. Angus Cattle Girl


    Of course I'm going to Denver. I'm lucky because I live in Colorado! Woot. I've gone for the past 9 years, ever since I was 8. I always go to watch all the cattle shows I can catch. I've also shown lambs up there. I might show cattle up there soon as I get a good one. This year...
  15. Angus Cattle Girl

    How to Find CTW value

    Thanks so much randi! Now I can quit wondering over that part :banana:
  16. Angus Cattle Girl

    How to Find CTW value

    I feel a little on the dumb side since I have no idea how to figure this out. Anyway, I need to figure this out for my record book. My steer weighed 674 lbs when I got him and his total beginning value was $761.62. If anyone could please help me figure out his beginning CTW value, I'd really...
  17. Angus Cattle Girl

    *UPDATE* Steer that won't eat.

    Ok. We weighed my steer that isn't eating very good today. He weighed about 950. Last time we weighed him was July 28th. He weighed 925. So he is roughly gaining a pound a day, which isn't good at all. That being said, State Fair is out. But the NILE show in Billings is in October. He needs to...
  18. Angus Cattle Girl

    Please help. Steer won't eat.

    Ok. So I cut out the beet pulp all together. I also bought a bag of Ranchway Show Flake Finisher and he likes it a lot better than Show Chow. I also started to feed him three times a day, feeding him half of his regular ration at lunch. And I also gave him a hit of probios but it didn't seem to...
  19. Angus Cattle Girl

    Showmanship Information and Tips

    Another couple of showmanship tips: 1. Use your feet to help you set up the front feet. Use your feet as kind of a brake for your calf's feet. 2. EYE CONTACT!!! Stare the judge down. If it bothers you, look at his/her forehead insted of directly in the eye. Always make sure you know where the...
  20. Angus Cattle Girl

    Please help. Steer won't eat.

    I purchased a nice blue roan April steer at the Arizonal Nationals held in December. He weighed about 650 in late-January at our county weigh-in. He is under coolers and fans all day. The feed he is on right now is Show Chow Finishing Touch. He gets about 6 pounds of this twice a day with...