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  1. cghoerichs

    Iowa Dove - Not Since 1918

    My 13 year old son took our family's first Iowa dove yesterday afternoon on Iowa's opening day! The citizens of Iowa haven't been able to do that since 1918.
  2. cghoerichs

    Calf with Bloat or Something Else

    She is getting grass hay (I assume lucerne is alfalfa). I spoke to the vet and he gave me some probiotic to get the good bugs back, and her side was down, but I notice today it is getting tight again. What is really strange is that she is acting fine. No problem eating, still runs to the bunk...
  3. cghoerichs

    Calf with Bloat or Something Else

    The distension is high. I haven't made any changes to the ration. The ration is 29% hay, 60% corn, and 11% "32 booster beef" which is a 13%protein and 87%dry matter plus vitamins and minerals. She is not on pasture. She was moved off of pasture about a month ago when we started feeding her.
  4. cghoerichs

    Calf with Bloat or Something Else

    I have an angus heifer with a distended left side. It's been that way for several days. She's a little over a year old and is being fed out with a steer because she was pretty small to keep as a breeder. I've been feeding her the same ration for weeks and a couple of days ago I noticed her...
  5. cghoerichs

    Summer Pneumonia

    I guess I hadn't found any info that said that cows throw resp infection calves as a trait. She's thrown good calves until this year, although she's getting up there in years.
  6. cghoerichs

    Summer Pneumonia

    I had a calf go down yesterday morning. He was an angus steer that was 200-250 hundred pounds, not weaned. Found him hanging out in a puddle and pretty listless. He got up but stood with his hind legs further back than normal, didn't run off like normal and his head kind of down etc. Neighbor...
  7. cghoerichs

    Gravity fed tank float

    We use 150gal rubbermaid plastic type tanks with Jobe valve vortex bottom fill in our rotational grazing. We use Plasson quick couplers . We have...
  8. cghoerichs

    Hanging water bag/placenta

    Had to breath through my mouth for quite some time - some day I'll remember to buy some shoulder length gloves to keep around...
  9. cghoerichs

    Hanging water bag/placenta

    I couldn't feel anything in there that resembled a calf so I'm assuming it's placenta which she still has hanging out the back end. Guess we'll wait until the placenta drops and take her to the sale barn...
  10. cghoerichs

    Bull Temperment Change?

    I had a similar thread in here this spring. My bull started to realize his size as well. Ended up pushing down fences, challenging my skidloader, and eventually going after my wife as she drove across the pasture in the pickup. He went to the sale barn as a kill bull and I don't regret it a bit.
  11. cghoerichs

    Hanging water bag/placenta

    I have a 3 year old angus cow. She had her water bag out for a day and a night and it was broken so got her into the chute and reached in to see if everything was okay. Everything felt okay, but rather than wait I pulled it. The heifer came out fine and the cow was released and went right to...
  12. cghoerichs

    covered hay molding

    If you do uncover it and leave it for a while I'd unstack the bales and run them north south end to end without touching each other on the sides. When they are stacked in a pyramid or even laid side by side the bales tend to hold water and mold where they are touching.
  13. cghoerichs

    Herd Bull - Trouble!

    That bull loaded like he was ready to go for a ride! Never had to lay a hand on him. He went through the chute and up into the trailer so fast I almost didn't have time to remember to close the trailer door. Wish he would have been that good in the pasture...
  14. cghoerichs

    Herd Bull - Trouble!

    Sounds like the jury is in. I got him up into the corral this evening by moving his water up to the corral. He'll live in the corral until I can get him to the sale barn. Then as MO_cows said it's a matter of loading him. I'll have to wait til after the holiday to get him down the road but...
  15. cghoerichs

    Herd Bull - Trouble!

    Not sure this is a breeding question exactly but... I've got a small herd of 10 angus cows. I've also got a 3yr old angus bull. I do rotational grazing and move the cows three, maybe four times a day for high impact grazing on small paddocks setup with string fence. Calving and breeding go...
  16. cghoerichs

    Fiberglass Fence Posts

    Okay, I know, you did climb out, but you know that at that depth it's easy to quickly expend all of the air that's down there? It's the start of the classic joke told when training firefighters about farm accidents. Farmer goes down in the well. Said farmer runs out of air and dies. Eldest...
  17. cghoerichs

    Fiberglass Fence Posts

    I've used it in the fire service but never considered using it for farming...
  18. cghoerichs

    Fiberglass Fence Posts

    I called Geotek today. They said to use a prusik knot. I used a piece of 1/2" soft braided nylon type rope to tie the prusik knot with and pulled it up with the hay spears on my skidloader. Worked like a charm!
  19. cghoerichs

    Fiberglass Fence Posts

    The post jack wouldn't get a good bite on the Sunguard posts. Too slick and when it did it slid up and stripped the outside of the post off. I put the jack on a stainless steel clip and that worked, but it wasn't great, and I've got quite a few to do. It started to pour down rain so I didn't...
  20. cghoerichs

    Fiberglass Fence Posts

    I've got one but am afraid that it would crack the post. Guess I can give it a try on one of them to see what happens.