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    Bull or Steer

    Isomade - I plan on sticking around. Just glad this is on the internet and not all of us in a bar drinking beers and having this discussion. (LOL) Hope you guys do not get tired of my "New Guy" questions. Thanks, Phil :lol2: :lol2: I am willing to bet that if it was in the bar over a drink...
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    Bull or Steer

    To the original question at hand. Do you know anything else about the calf other than his birth weight. Like weaning weight, what did he gain a day until being weaned. what has he gained since being weaned, how has he been fed after weaning up to the point he is at now. things like that. there...
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    Bull or Steer

    scroote wrote: Hey 3way, got your pm and thanks for the encouraging words. A man puts his bull up and you say cut, well I have every right to call it as I see it. Your mutts don't look much better. Why should I post pics when your buddy Doc Harris owns no cows and his words are gospel? One more...
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    old cow down in stall

    this made me laugh pretty good for a bit but really in all fairness to the OP he isnt the only one that ever tried to get a cow up when she went down. I have helped alot of guys try and get cows back up some do some dont thats the way it is. I have even helped the FIL take and lift a cow every...
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    SL & SL2 Continue PM's

    :lol2: :lol2: you see that isom you were right. first thought of ol hook and that empty sock got a response about how the wrestling wont work now. thanks alot hook thanks alot. here i was gonna try and catch a ride with 3way.
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    Look for advice on a fair price to charge

    I would like to see how it all turned out as well. All i know is that here it is not uncommon for a cow of the neighbors to get on us. if it is only one when we notice it we call the guy tell him we got a cow of his if he wants it right now we will put her in a pen if not than we will get her...
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    Livestock water tanks

    I thought you raised calves to weaning? Was that a different poster i was reading or was that you. It was mentioning pocket to pocket acounting with a cigar box and having a 8% ROI. if was you what struck the want for a change from that buying weaned calves and raising them. Also how are you...
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    Your perfect farm would be?

    i doubt you offended or mislead anyone here. i am sure i can say that any comment that was put in a rude manner mine including was not aimed at you (i apologize if it was took that way) but directed twords another person. I know i say this everytime someone mentiones stocking rates but if that...
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    Your perfect farm would be?

    Well TB i would have to say that by SE TN standards you are worth 2 men and might i even add a couple of women on top of that. :lol2:
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    Your perfect farm would be?

    Well i was gonna quote all the dumba$$ remarks i read made here but i sure dont have that much time. :lol2: :lol2: I think this thread should almost be put in the daily jokes thread i mean 2 men to run a 50 cow calf operation. :lol2: thats a good one. also the 1 man plus 1 women equals 1.5...
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    Your perfect farm would be?

    :lol2: :lol2: :lol2: :nod: and i think that comment deserves one more :lol2:
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    Banding at birth tips & tricks

    We band at birth. You are going to get hit sooner or later doing it that is all there really is to it, even putting them in the back of pickup is no garuntee cause a mad momma is one athletic animal. banding them first like said is best than tag them. I will say take the time to make sure you...
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    Shall I Eat It?

    this is exactly what i was thinking as well. even if i was starving and broke if i would not eat is on the simple fact that if i had one dead calf chances are i still have another live one i could eat if needed something that bad. one time i went to my father in laws place and ate a steak it was...
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    Shoot Shovel and SHUTUP

    a couple years back i seen 2 hunters sitting on the road laughing trying to shoot our neighbors dog that got loose. i slid up threw some gravel on them got out of the outfit chewed on them and told them if they thought was so damn funny i would be happy to take thier guns and shoot some lead at...
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    209 degree Heat Index.

    ...on the plus side though least you didnt feel the wind down there. Told my wife one day i am going to tell these poeple who call wanting stupid sh*% done when its thier own fault no. She just laughed and said no you will continue to go do it for them cause they cant do it themselves and gripe...
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    200 mamas/stockers

    One man should not have a problem working a ranch consisting of 200 head of momma cows and a couple of loads of stockers on top of that if it is that persons only job. Even if was putting up the hay to run them as well. My dad has almost always ran 200 hd or more by himself as well as putting up...
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    Thanks USDA

    i am sure you are doing things in the southwest right exspecially for dealing with the heat. just like i am sure the people from Northern MN and Canada breed cattle to handle the cold. it was hot everywhere more than usual but up in this area we dont breed cattle for the heat and they sure are...
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    Thanks USDA

    :clap: :clap: Great post TB i like how you can always put it out there in a sensable way for everyone to understand. you and 3way your posts always make a great point and i like reading them and old 3way well he sure does always bring a smile to a guys face with his responses.
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    Farms raise others' cattle?

    what your asking does happen. we do it. we run cattle at my dads year round for a guy. he has more where he is at as well but the ones we keep we run year round. he makes money on it not as much as he does on the ones he runs himself but he does make something otherwise wouldnt be keeping them...
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    Cows get out, visit pond; neighbor threatens to shoot them!

    boy reading this make sme realy appreciate my neighbors. works that way with dogs here to. also did have a a guy bout 15 miles ddown road. he had a guys bull get onto his corn. he shot the bull. left the shells there too. now he aint the brightest guy. the man who owned the bull paid him for...